Business & Finance Blogging

Whats The Buzz About The Blogrush Blog Traffic System

Because it is "so far" a ZERO cost alternative to traffic you can join it for free to try it on your blog and see for yourself.
The gist of the Blog-Rush service entails placing an appliance called a "widget" in your sidebar of your blog.
When the widget displays on your blog, you earn credits, so too does the blog or person that told you about the service.
When you write a new article on your blog, the headline is syndicated to widgets on similar webblogs.
The technology behind BlogRush is similar to Google AdSense in that it displays blogs with similar content which in turn shares traffic but also help your readers find related content.
One such similar service is one called Criteo which shows content to other Blogs but it has not been developed to the point that it has a built in credit and tracking system like BlogRush has.
Unlike other earlier traffic exchange products with this format you do not have to load a software product on your hard drive.
Plus it is not just promoting junky affiliate ads either.
Because it is content-driven, it has the potential at least, to become a very interesting development down the road, as it seems to be in synch with the true spirit of Blogging which is to share information and ideas.
Much hoopla lately has been focused on BlogRush founded partly on the fact that it's John Reese behind the scenes.
Although virtually all former technologies which offered what BlogRush predicts it will be, haven't endured, time will tell if this system offers the traffic possibilities it promises and provides something of value to Bloggers around the world.
Time will tell, if this becomes a hit or not.
I'd check it out for yourself, but stick to the tried and true methods of article marketing via EzineArticles and other top notch services.

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