How to Increase Your Metabolism - A Guide For You
It is perfectly possible to increase your metabolism, or metabolic rate, and here are just a few ideas how to increase metabolism.
There are plenty of things which you can do in your everyday life which will help to increase your metabolism, and most of them just take a little thinking about and maybe a little extra time.
The first and most obvious way how to increase metabolism is to be more active.
This doesn't mean that you have to go the gym for a couple of hours every night after work, but just by increasing the exercise in your normal daily routine can go a long way to help.
Why not try getting up a little earlier and walking to work instead of driving, or, if you take the bus, why not try getting off a couple of stops early and walking the last mile or so, you might even enjoy the walk if the weathers nice and will arrive at work feeling more fresh and ready for a busy day.
It is important just to get out and about, walk the dog, use the stairs instead of the elevator, buy a bicycle, the possibilities and endless and I promise you that the more you do it the more you will begin to enjoy it.
Eating little and often is another way how to increase metabolism.
If you eat small regular meals throughout the day rather than one or two larger meals, this may help to keep your metabolism ticking over regularly.
We use about 10 percent of our calories each day digesting and absorbing food, so it makes sense to keep it busy throughout the day.
Spicy food and protein rich food are also proven to help increase your metabolic rate.
Eating spices like chilli are thought to raise your metabolic rate by up to 50 per cent for up to three hours after eating it due to the increase in your heart rate, however, it is wise to check out which are the low calorie curries before ringing the local takeaway.
There is also evidence to suggest that another way how to increase metabolism is by being extremely cold or extremely hot (if you can face it).
It is always advisable to visit your doctor for a medical before running out of a steaming sauna and rolling naked in the snow or diving into an icy lake.
There are plenty of things which you can do in your everyday life which will help to increase your metabolism, and most of them just take a little thinking about and maybe a little extra time.
The first and most obvious way how to increase metabolism is to be more active.
This doesn't mean that you have to go the gym for a couple of hours every night after work, but just by increasing the exercise in your normal daily routine can go a long way to help.
Why not try getting up a little earlier and walking to work instead of driving, or, if you take the bus, why not try getting off a couple of stops early and walking the last mile or so, you might even enjoy the walk if the weathers nice and will arrive at work feeling more fresh and ready for a busy day.
It is important just to get out and about, walk the dog, use the stairs instead of the elevator, buy a bicycle, the possibilities and endless and I promise you that the more you do it the more you will begin to enjoy it.
Eating little and often is another way how to increase metabolism.
If you eat small regular meals throughout the day rather than one or two larger meals, this may help to keep your metabolism ticking over regularly.
We use about 10 percent of our calories each day digesting and absorbing food, so it makes sense to keep it busy throughout the day.
Spicy food and protein rich food are also proven to help increase your metabolic rate.
Eating spices like chilli are thought to raise your metabolic rate by up to 50 per cent for up to three hours after eating it due to the increase in your heart rate, however, it is wise to check out which are the low calorie curries before ringing the local takeaway.
There is also evidence to suggest that another way how to increase metabolism is by being extremely cold or extremely hot (if you can face it).
It is always advisable to visit your doctor for a medical before running out of a steaming sauna and rolling naked in the snow or diving into an icy lake.