Health & Medical Mental Health

Curing Panic Attacks - What Works and What Doesn"t?

Curing panic attacks is something that will preoccupy your mind if you suffer them.
There are several approaches and I will explain the differences and effectiveness of each one here.
An attack is your physical response to an adrenalin rush.
Understanding this is integral to curing panic attacks.
The adrenalin rush is caused by a peak in your anxiety level.
This tips you over the edge and triggers your so-called fight or flight response.
It is a perfectly natural process but in the case of an anxiety sufferer, it is horrible because it is out of context.
So how can it be treated? There are three main approaches, herbal or holistic approaches, pharmaceutical or drug based approaches and psychological approaches such as cognitive therapy.
Curing panic attacks successfully involves dealing with the root of the problem.
Homeopathic remedies are unproven and not scientifically tested or understood.
Reports of homeopathic or herbal remedies being effective are anecdotal.
That is not to say that they are no good, just that they are unproven.
Drugs therapies for curing panic attacks tend to work by chemically changing your mood levels.
They are far from natural and may bring side effects, addiction, dependence and other complications (that I have written about before if you look for my articles).
They deal with the symptoms of the problem.
The problem is anxiety and anxiety is driven by your thoughts.
If you learn to control your thought processes, you can teach yourself how to lower your anxiety level and learn to be in full control of anxiety.
This is the most successful long term approach to dealing with panic attacks.

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