Increase Your Penis Size - The Only Method That Truly Works
How Do You Increase Your Penis Size I don't know about you guys, but for a long time when I was growing upI always felt as though my penis size was considerably smaller than average.
I was around 5.
5" when I was fully erect and although it had quite good girth it was the length or lack of that was of concern to me.
Now don't get me wrong, it never made me depressed and it really wasn't the most important issue in my life, but it was always on the back of my mind.
As a result of this nagging problem I decided to do something about it and started researching the different options available to people who were suffering the same embarrassing issue as me.
What I found is that there were 3 main options available to increase the size of my penis.
Using Pills or Medication to Increase the Size of Your Penis This is one of the more popular methods on the market, and the only reason for this is because of the advertising capital that the pharmaceutical companies can use to manipulate people into buying their products.
They really don't work and most of them work in exactly the same way as Viagra.
They simply increase the blood flow to the penis on a temporary basis which can result in an embarrassing situation for you if you take them at the wrong time!I really wouldn't recommend ever using pills to increase the size of your penis.
They are expensive, the results are very dubious and on top of all of that you should seek advice from your doctor before you take them as they can have a detrimental effect on your heart.
Using A Penis Enlargement Machine Penis enlargement machines still make me laugh every time I see them advertised.
They always remind me of the scene in Austin Powers and look like something from outer space!Most penis enlargement machines work on a suction principle whereby the penis is inserted into a tube and then a vacuum occurs stretching the penis and ultimately swelling it up.
Sounds pretty unpleasant doesn't it?!Well they don't actually hurt and you will see some kind of results with them but all it will be is a temporary swelling of the penis which will make it appear larger until the swelling subsides.
So the truth about these is that they are not much use unless you somehow manage to use it immediately before you want whoever it may be to see your penis!Not very romantic!
I was around 5.
5" when I was fully erect and although it had quite good girth it was the length or lack of that was of concern to me.
Now don't get me wrong, it never made me depressed and it really wasn't the most important issue in my life, but it was always on the back of my mind.
As a result of this nagging problem I decided to do something about it and started researching the different options available to people who were suffering the same embarrassing issue as me.
What I found is that there were 3 main options available to increase the size of my penis.
Using Pills or Medication to Increase the Size of Your Penis This is one of the more popular methods on the market, and the only reason for this is because of the advertising capital that the pharmaceutical companies can use to manipulate people into buying their products.
They really don't work and most of them work in exactly the same way as Viagra.
They simply increase the blood flow to the penis on a temporary basis which can result in an embarrassing situation for you if you take them at the wrong time!I really wouldn't recommend ever using pills to increase the size of your penis.
They are expensive, the results are very dubious and on top of all of that you should seek advice from your doctor before you take them as they can have a detrimental effect on your heart.
Using A Penis Enlargement Machine Penis enlargement machines still make me laugh every time I see them advertised.
They always remind me of the scene in Austin Powers and look like something from outer space!Most penis enlargement machines work on a suction principle whereby the penis is inserted into a tube and then a vacuum occurs stretching the penis and ultimately swelling it up.
Sounds pretty unpleasant doesn't it?!Well they don't actually hurt and you will see some kind of results with them but all it will be is a temporary swelling of the penis which will make it appear larger until the swelling subsides.
So the truth about these is that they are not much use unless you somehow manage to use it immediately before you want whoever it may be to see your penis!Not very romantic!