Home & Garden Architecture

Rules for Building Wood Handicap Ramps in Florida


    • Landings should be at least as wide as the ramp, with a minimum of 36 inches. Landing length should be at least 60 inches. Landings between runs should be a minimum of 60 inches square.

    Slopes and Runs

    • The maximum rise should be no more than an inch for every 12 inches of ramp length. Maximum rise for one run is 30 inches.

    Travel Clearance

    • Ramp width should be at least 36 inches clear. This measurement includes any overhang, and determines the minimum width of all platforms and landings.

    Door Clearances

    • Platforms and landings with doors should have a minimum of 60 inches square, with 24 inches from the opening side of the jamb to the outer edge of the landing.


    • Handrails are required on both sides. Rails for inner turns should be continuous. The top of a rail should be between 34 and 38 inches high.

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