Charges Directly Related to Building a Swimming Pool
- There are common charges to all pool installations even though the amounts may vary.Swimming pool and pool house image by Jim Mills from
Building a swimming pool involves either excavating a hole for an in-ground pool or a foundation for an above ground model. No matter the type of swimming pool, however, there are expenses and charges necessary for both installations. Of course, a swimming pool will need a water supply and that involves plumbing. The area around the pool (the pool deck) will be constructed and the preparation of the area for the installation. Other charges can include building an outbuilding for housing filters and pumps. - Building an in-ground pool will mean digging a hole large enough for the pool’s installation. Half-ground pools are also an option: partially in the ground with banked soil around the upper half. This method will involve excavating soil for the hole and then used for the banking.
An above ground pool may involve building a pad of concrete, wood or tile as a foundation. Although some above-ground pools rest directly on the soil, a more solid resting place will extend the life of the pool floor and reduce the chance of leaks or serious maintenance problems.
Installing a pool can be either a general contracting job or providing a location to the pool manufacturer’s specifications for installation. - Most yards or other plots where pools are installed will not have a readily available water supply. The installation will involve a water feed line (cold water only; no need to run a hot water line) and the proper drain line. Again, one general contractor can manage the installation or the pool owner can coordinate the different trades needed for installation.
The plumber doing the work will need to create the trench for installing the lines to and from the pool. The plumber should also be able to tie in the new lines to existing plumbing for the home or business (hotel, gym, etc.)
Electrical work will also need to be factored into the pool installation cost. Electrical power will be needed to power the pool pump and filter assembly and any lighting or accessories in or around the pool. - These charges are optional but usually accompany the pool’s complete installation. Decks can be concrete, stone tile or wood. The decking of course should be water resistant and easy to clean. Wet concrete in the warm summer sun can lead to algae and mildew problems and require regular cleaning and disinfecting.
An outbuilding may be needed for the pump depending on the size and complexity of the system. Charges for this option can range from a simple prefabricated shed to a more substantial brick or wood structure. If the pool has a raised deck then installing the mechanical systems can be housed easily in the space underneath.