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Home Remedy for a Cyst in the Eye

    Contact Lenses

    • Poor contact lens maintenance can often be the cause of chalazion. If you wear contact lenses and develop a cyst, wear your backup glasses until the cyst completely heals. Focusing on proper lens care can help prevent cysts in the future.


    • A chalazion usually forms around the base of an eyelash, similar to an ingrown hair. If you pluck the closest eyelash to the cyst, it can help speed up the healing process, and also make the area feel less painful.

    Warm Compress

    • Dip a washcloth in warm water, and apply it to the cyst for 15 to 20 minutes every few hours. The heat will help stimulate blood flow in the area, and help your body's natural antibodies take care of the cyst. As it begins to heal, you can apply the compress less frequently.

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