How to Build a Foundation for a Tree House
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Look for a deciduous tree with a thick, strong trunk for the tree house location.ancient tree in a chinese courtyard image by Yali Shi from
Choose a tree big enough to support the planned structure. For example, a single trunk should be at least 12 inches to support an 8 ft. x 8 ft. treehouse. Smaller minimum diameters work if the tree house will be supported by more than one tree. Deciduous trees tend to be the best tree house supports. - 2). Minimize tree health impact. Avoid notching into limbs, if possible. Use lag bolts and washers instead of nails or screws to secure the foundation. Limit cuts that may interfere with the growth cycle of the tree.
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Use pressure-treated lumber to increase tree house life.lumber 1 image by jimcox40 from
Assemble the foundation on the ground with 2-by-6 pressure-treated boards, then hoist it into the tree. This will be quite heavy. Adjust the foundation until it is as level as possible before bolting it to the tree. - 4). Drive screws to attach ½- or 7/8-inch thick pressure-treated plywood onto the foundation.