Health & Medical Mental Health

What causes anxiety??

If you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks, you may wonder what brings them on in the first place. Attacks can come on suddenly, with little or no warning. What causes anxiety? There are many different things that can cause you to have an anxiety or panic attack.

First, let's define what anxiety is. Anxiety is a general term that describes feelings of nervousness, fear, worry and apprehension. Anxiety affects our whole being; our minds as well our bodies. Physical symptoms can include heart palpitations, sweaty hands, shaking, and increased heart rate. It can be difficult to go out in public or communicate with others effectively.

Some anxiety in life is normal: before a test or when meeting people for the first time. That type of anxiety usually goes away quickly and does have any lasting effects. A more severe type of anxiety is called Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and comes with fear of things like money, health, and family. However, the person affected cannot identify any specific fears and cannot control their worried thoughts. There are differing degrees of anxiety disorders; some go away quickly, others are more debilitating, like phobias or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD.)

Anxiety can be caused by environmental factors, substance abuse, stress, medical factors, genetics and brain chemistry. It is mostly caused by outside sources, but it can also be caused by our negative self-talk. We convince ourselves that the worst will happen: we're going to fail that test, we're going to lose our job, and we are going to get sick. This causes unnecessary worry and many times what we worry about never happens.

Stress is a major source of anxiety. These days, there is less time in a day and more responsibility. You rush through your mornings, go to work, get yelled at by your boss, come home, make dinner, take the kids to soccer practice, go to bed, and do it all again the next day. If you are going to cure your anxiety, you need to learn to slow down and enjoy life. A great way to de-stress is to exercise or take a long hot bath. Meditation and yoga are also great stress relievers.

For most people, knowing what causes anxiety is the first step to preventing it. Know what triggers it for you and learn to stay away from that situation or that person. Find a new job or implement daily routines like exercise to help you cope.

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