Within Indian Philosophy, for all-round evolution of human life a lot of emphasis is laid down on the advancement and purification of the Food Sheath. Whether it is material progress or attainment of spiritual wealth, for both it is most required and is of great utility value. In Yogic spiritual exercises, it is the spiritual practices pertaining to the Food Sheath that has been given a prime spot and we find descriptions of many benefits and spiritual powers (Sidhis) related to it. With its help a Yogi remains healthy and masters his bodily center. Attainments like keeping the body warm/ cold as per oneâEUR(TM)s will, not being influenced at all by seasonal changes, attaining natural sources of energy directly so that one keeps oneâEUR(TM)s body alive without depending on food intake, long life, signs of old age not seen in oneâEUR(TM)s body etc. are dependent on spiritual practices pertaining to the Food Sheath.
All these benefits are very useful in advancing on the path of spiritual practices too and it is beneficial also in our day to day worldly life. All these benefits look very attractive. Yet on the path of Yoga, these are very preliminary steps. This is most required because the body should at no point refuse to comply when one carries out Yogic spiritual practices. Only if the Food Sheath is nourished and purified aptly, can a person in the midst of rise /fall in his life, balance his bodily journey so that ultimately he can march ahead pauselessly to reach the spiritual goal.
There is one more subtle aspect for which the Food Sheath has to be nurtured. On the path of soul progress, a great deal of divine sensations are generated on the body. A vile natured Food Sheath creates obstacles and this cannot cooperate in an appropriate manner. A lot of divine potential is released. Thus there is a dire need of balancing oneâEUR(TM)s psyche by calmly enduring its vibrations. All of this is possible only if the Food Sheath is purified and evolved.
In order to avail the benefits of all these attainments and potentials, a spiritual seeker must have a clear understanding of the nature and ordinary qualities of the Food Sheath. In relation to all the 5 sheaths, it is required that one clearly understands the role and importance of the Food Sheath.
Our existence is a combination of gross / subtle elements of varied statures. Within it, every unit has its own importance. When one points out the importance of one unit, it does not mean that the other units are of lesser importance because on the one hand, they supplement one another and on the other, none of them can take any monopoly. For example when a building is constructed, a mortar is made use of and in it one mixes cement, sand, water, colours etc. Even if one of the ingredients is increased or decreased, the mortar will be of no use. Its firmness, beauty, strength etc. is apt when the ingredients are mixed in apt quantities. This precept also applies to our very existence. Every unit, and sheath of our existence has its own importance. Hence it is most required that we give due attention to its high stature and balance.
A greater part of the creation of human beings is related to gross objects i.e. the 5 elements. For the nourishment and advancement of their existence, there is a need of gross materials. This part of the bodily center is called Food Sheath. It is made up of infinite gross units. They are called cells. It is quite clear that those qualities prevalent in cells will manifest in the bodily center too since these cells unite to form the human body. Without causing changes in these cells, it is not possible to transform the human body- as per our wishes. In order to mould the Food Sheath as per requirements, one needs to pay attention to the root units.
For example take a cloth. Of what type is this cloth? This depends on the type of thread utilized. What fibres were used to make these threads? Is the cloth as tough as canvas, as flashy as silk, as attractive as terylene, as warm as wool, comfortable as flannel etc. All this is dependent on the threads and fibres used to make it.
In the same way the body too has many special characteristics. The body has many special qualities like swiftness found in monkeys and deers, strength like lions and elephants, hard work like bullocks and horses, harshness like a rhinoceros, serenity like a swan, elegant movement like a snake etc. and these qualities can be created too. This is a very gross classification. If we take a look at a subtle level, special qualities like the body living naturally in the polar and Himalayan extreme cold conditions, or having the power to endure extreme heat in the equatorial regions, or enduring floods and desert conditions are the manifestations of the bodily cells.
As per research on the bodies of various species, it is clear that organs like the heart, liver, skin, ear etc. are controlled by subtle bodily parts and our health is dependent on proper functioning of these subtle parts. Amongst these subtle parts, hormones play a leading roles. Its activity or inactivity influences our bodily and mental states in a major way. The shape of the body could be of any type but its nature is a creation of the influence of these hormones. No doubt these hormones also are responsible for the shape of the body. There are many examples wherein due to a special state of our mind, the beauty in a woman is seen at those times when under normal circumstances it should be ageing. This definitely is the result of the influence of hormones. Although medical science and cosmetic surgery has not reached these heights, yet a little bit of its understanding has been attained by modern medical sciences.
The leading research scientist of hormonal sciences, Dr. Krukshek has called the basic endocrine glands of these hormones as âEURoemagical hormonesâEUR
All these benefits are very useful in advancing on the path of spiritual practices too and it is beneficial also in our day to day worldly life. All these benefits look very attractive. Yet on the path of Yoga, these are very preliminary steps. This is most required because the body should at no point refuse to comply when one carries out Yogic spiritual practices. Only if the Food Sheath is nourished and purified aptly, can a person in the midst of rise /fall in his life, balance his bodily journey so that ultimately he can march ahead pauselessly to reach the spiritual goal.
There is one more subtle aspect for which the Food Sheath has to be nurtured. On the path of soul progress, a great deal of divine sensations are generated on the body. A vile natured Food Sheath creates obstacles and this cannot cooperate in an appropriate manner. A lot of divine potential is released. Thus there is a dire need of balancing oneâEUR(TM)s psyche by calmly enduring its vibrations. All of this is possible only if the Food Sheath is purified and evolved.
In order to avail the benefits of all these attainments and potentials, a spiritual seeker must have a clear understanding of the nature and ordinary qualities of the Food Sheath. In relation to all the 5 sheaths, it is required that one clearly understands the role and importance of the Food Sheath.
Our existence is a combination of gross / subtle elements of varied statures. Within it, every unit has its own importance. When one points out the importance of one unit, it does not mean that the other units are of lesser importance because on the one hand, they supplement one another and on the other, none of them can take any monopoly. For example when a building is constructed, a mortar is made use of and in it one mixes cement, sand, water, colours etc. Even if one of the ingredients is increased or decreased, the mortar will be of no use. Its firmness, beauty, strength etc. is apt when the ingredients are mixed in apt quantities. This precept also applies to our very existence. Every unit, and sheath of our existence has its own importance. Hence it is most required that we give due attention to its high stature and balance.
A greater part of the creation of human beings is related to gross objects i.e. the 5 elements. For the nourishment and advancement of their existence, there is a need of gross materials. This part of the bodily center is called Food Sheath. It is made up of infinite gross units. They are called cells. It is quite clear that those qualities prevalent in cells will manifest in the bodily center too since these cells unite to form the human body. Without causing changes in these cells, it is not possible to transform the human body- as per our wishes. In order to mould the Food Sheath as per requirements, one needs to pay attention to the root units.
For example take a cloth. Of what type is this cloth? This depends on the type of thread utilized. What fibres were used to make these threads? Is the cloth as tough as canvas, as flashy as silk, as attractive as terylene, as warm as wool, comfortable as flannel etc. All this is dependent on the threads and fibres used to make it.
In the same way the body too has many special characteristics. The body has many special qualities like swiftness found in monkeys and deers, strength like lions and elephants, hard work like bullocks and horses, harshness like a rhinoceros, serenity like a swan, elegant movement like a snake etc. and these qualities can be created too. This is a very gross classification. If we take a look at a subtle level, special qualities like the body living naturally in the polar and Himalayan extreme cold conditions, or having the power to endure extreme heat in the equatorial regions, or enduring floods and desert conditions are the manifestations of the bodily cells.
As per research on the bodies of various species, it is clear that organs like the heart, liver, skin, ear etc. are controlled by subtle bodily parts and our health is dependent on proper functioning of these subtle parts. Amongst these subtle parts, hormones play a leading roles. Its activity or inactivity influences our bodily and mental states in a major way. The shape of the body could be of any type but its nature is a creation of the influence of these hormones. No doubt these hormones also are responsible for the shape of the body. There are many examples wherein due to a special state of our mind, the beauty in a woman is seen at those times when under normal circumstances it should be ageing. This definitely is the result of the influence of hormones. Although medical science and cosmetic surgery has not reached these heights, yet a little bit of its understanding has been attained by modern medical sciences.
The leading research scientist of hormonal sciences, Dr. Krukshek has called the basic endocrine glands of these hormones as âEURoemagical hormonesâEUR