How to Prevent Chronic Obesity
Truly speaking, obesity is the abnormal accumulation of body fat. There are lots of people are all over the world faces obesity. The world health organization (WHO) has considered chronic obesity as a world wide epidemic and obesity disease, which is becoming increasingly prevalent. The world wide experts differentiate the disease into some categories. These are, 20 to 40% is considered mildly obese, 40 to 100% over the body weight is considered as the severely or moderate obese. It is a very fast processing disease. And all over the world a percentage of people are attacked by this chronic disease.
Most of the efficient medical experts use a unique treatment to diagnose the chronic obesity. It is called body mass index (BMI). The process is, an individual's weight in kilograms is multiplied by 703 and then divided by twice the height in inches. BMI of 25.9-19 is considered as overweight while a BMI of over is considered obese.
Obesity is children and teenagers:
Needless to say the obesity is not a problem only for the senior persons. Nowadays there more and more children today are affected by this disease. In last twenty years, a number of obese children have tripled. A report says that at least 10% of six years old and 17% of fifteen years old are affected for the obesity. The childhood obesity is really a strong complication for the growing child. Not only that, it is a strong indicator of weight related health problem in later life.
Apart from that it is really interlinked with increased risk of illness, disability, and death. For the excessive weight might be serious for life threatening health problems. There are various problems like hypertension, infertility, coronary disease, heart attack, hyperlipidaemia, breast cancers, prostate can happen for this chronic disease obesity.
Symptoms of chronic obesity:
There are lots of symptoms of chronic obesity. Excessive weight gain and the presence of large amounts of fatty are two main visible symptoms of obesity. Some of the symptoms are given below:
¶ Breathlessness
¶ Extreme sweating
¶ Excessive snoring
¶ Difficulty sleeping
¶ Decrease physical activity
¶ Tiredness
¶ joint and back pains
Not only that there are some of the long term symptoms of obesity like:
¶ High blood pressure
¶ Stroke and heart disease
¶ High Cholesterol
¶ Breast cancer
¶ Gall bladder disease
¶ Gastro disease
¶ Arthritis
¶ Diabetes
¶ Skin problem
¶ Reduce life expectancy
Different causes of obesity: Basically obesity is not something that happens in one day. It develops gradually. There are some causes of this disease.
¶ Genetics problem: This is one of the main reasons for this chronic disease.
¶ Poor Diet: Sometimes poor diet is the cause of obesity
¶ Medical reason: Medical reasons are also known as the cause of obesity.
¶ Life style Choice: It is another obesity related factor.
How to prevent this disease:
¶ Diet rich food, carbohydrate food, snakes, junk food, sugar, salt etc.
¶ Calorie counting can keep your weight down. You must our out your daily calorie requirement.
¶ Exercise: Regular exercise is very important to prevent this disease.
Most of the efficient medical experts use a unique treatment to diagnose the chronic obesity. It is called body mass index (BMI). The process is, an individual's weight in kilograms is multiplied by 703 and then divided by twice the height in inches. BMI of 25.9-19 is considered as overweight while a BMI of over is considered obese.
Obesity is children and teenagers:
Needless to say the obesity is not a problem only for the senior persons. Nowadays there more and more children today are affected by this disease. In last twenty years, a number of obese children have tripled. A report says that at least 10% of six years old and 17% of fifteen years old are affected for the obesity. The childhood obesity is really a strong complication for the growing child. Not only that, it is a strong indicator of weight related health problem in later life.
Apart from that it is really interlinked with increased risk of illness, disability, and death. For the excessive weight might be serious for life threatening health problems. There are various problems like hypertension, infertility, coronary disease, heart attack, hyperlipidaemia, breast cancers, prostate can happen for this chronic disease obesity.
Symptoms of chronic obesity:
There are lots of symptoms of chronic obesity. Excessive weight gain and the presence of large amounts of fatty are two main visible symptoms of obesity. Some of the symptoms are given below:
¶ Breathlessness
¶ Extreme sweating
¶ Excessive snoring
¶ Difficulty sleeping
¶ Decrease physical activity
¶ Tiredness
¶ joint and back pains
Not only that there are some of the long term symptoms of obesity like:
¶ High blood pressure
¶ Stroke and heart disease
¶ High Cholesterol
¶ Breast cancer
¶ Gall bladder disease
¶ Gastro disease
¶ Arthritis
¶ Diabetes
¶ Skin problem
¶ Reduce life expectancy
Different causes of obesity: Basically obesity is not something that happens in one day. It develops gradually. There are some causes of this disease.
¶ Genetics problem: This is one of the main reasons for this chronic disease.
¶ Poor Diet: Sometimes poor diet is the cause of obesity
¶ Medical reason: Medical reasons are also known as the cause of obesity.
¶ Life style Choice: It is another obesity related factor.
How to prevent this disease:
¶ Diet rich food, carbohydrate food, snakes, junk food, sugar, salt etc.
¶ Calorie counting can keep your weight down. You must our out your daily calorie requirement.
¶ Exercise: Regular exercise is very important to prevent this disease.