Travel & Places Travel Knowledge

A Childless Getaway, Is This What You Need?

There are loads of articles and information out there regarding family vacations and getaways, what about the individuals who want to getaway from children period. Here is some information that will fill that void, there are actually places that are setup for children not to be present. These places are for honeymooners, relationships that do not have children and parents that just need a rejuvenating reprieve from children.

On the island of Hawaii in Kona there is a plantation that is also a Bed & Breakfast. On this coffee plantation there is a tour that lasts about two hours and all of this is located in very lush tropical landscape with acres of tropical fruits; which are also served for breakfast daily. The bed & breakfast has a wraparound veranda that is wonderful to watch the Hawaiian sunsets and to sip the world famous Kona coffee.

Go on an art instruction getaway, you can find these on both the East Coast and the West Coast and points in between, right here in the USA, no need to go to France. You will have experienced instructors and landscapes to bring the Monet out in you, some even serve a wine and cheese lunch to make it feel authentically French. Accommodations vary according to the resort/facility that holds these getaways, but they are usually very quiet and tranquil.

There are also what is called bike tours, once again you can find these mostly on the two coasts, there are a few in the mid states here in the USA. The tours are usually conducted by a tour guide and you can select the type of trails and how many you want to take during your stay, and these are all geared for adults so once again you are not likely to see and children. The accommodations for these tours are usually in rural areas and many with a bed & breakfast theme.

You find yourself wanting to be in a quiet, tranquil space and not do active activities? That is possible also, go to a small isolated island where relaxing is all there is to do, and you will find yourself in a childless space.

Travel, personal website travel agent, childless vacations, destination vacations, Hawaii vacations, bicycle vacations, art vacations, bed and breakfast vacations, travel agent, web travel agent,

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