Increase Your Life Expectancy With the Goji Berry
A lot of people don't realize that our bodies were designed to live 80, 90, and even 100 years.
Often our unhealthy lifestyle habits lead us to reduce our life expectancy.
However, there are places on this earth where many people live to be 100 years old.
Their lives are filled with health and happiness.
The question you may ask is how or why? What is their key to a long and healthy life? The answer to this question is the goji berry.
Your body is made up of trillions of cells.
These cells are constantly under attack by free radicals.
These free radicals develop naturally during metabolism and when your body is fighting off infection.
Furthermore, there are several environmental factors such as radiation, cigarette smoke, air pollution and toxic chemicals which can influence the formation of free radicals.
One of the best ways to fight these culprits is with the help of the goji berry.
The goji berry contains naturally occurring Lycium Barbarum Glycoconjugate Polysaccharides 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
These are also known as Polyphenols and antioxidants.
These LbGp 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 support your body's natural defense mechanism against premature cell aging and damage caused by free radicals.
There is a tale about an extraordinary Chinese man by name of Li Qing Yuen who died in the year 1930 at the age of 252 years old.
Certain scholars were able to identify that the secret to his long life was a nutrition which consisted mostly of steamed above ground vegetables and grebes and a cup of goji berry soup each day! So as you can see herbal remedies have numerous benefits; everything from appetite suppressing hoodia to healthy aging goji.
So whether you want to lose weight or attain longevity, your answer may be as simple as Mother Nature.
Often our unhealthy lifestyle habits lead us to reduce our life expectancy.
However, there are places on this earth where many people live to be 100 years old.
Their lives are filled with health and happiness.
The question you may ask is how or why? What is their key to a long and healthy life? The answer to this question is the goji berry.
Your body is made up of trillions of cells.
These cells are constantly under attack by free radicals.
These free radicals develop naturally during metabolism and when your body is fighting off infection.
Furthermore, there are several environmental factors such as radiation, cigarette smoke, air pollution and toxic chemicals which can influence the formation of free radicals.
One of the best ways to fight these culprits is with the help of the goji berry.
The goji berry contains naturally occurring Lycium Barbarum Glycoconjugate Polysaccharides 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
These are also known as Polyphenols and antioxidants.
These LbGp 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 support your body's natural defense mechanism against premature cell aging and damage caused by free radicals.
There is a tale about an extraordinary Chinese man by name of Li Qing Yuen who died in the year 1930 at the age of 252 years old.
Certain scholars were able to identify that the secret to his long life was a nutrition which consisted mostly of steamed above ground vegetables and grebes and a cup of goji berry soup each day! So as you can see herbal remedies have numerous benefits; everything from appetite suppressing hoodia to healthy aging goji.
So whether you want to lose weight or attain longevity, your answer may be as simple as Mother Nature.