Society & Culture & Entertainment Photography

6 Invaluable Tips on Bird Photography

Bird photography is not an easy hobby to master. In addition to specialized skills and high-grade photographic equipment, extensive knowledge of avian behavior and habitat is also essential. Here are some invaluable tips to take excellent photographs of birds with ease.

1. What is the best time to shoot birds?

The best time to take outstanding snapshots of birds is spring. The weather is moderate and all kinds of birds are usually active and energetic. Spring is also the breeding and nesting season. During this period of time, you can capture amazing shots of adults building nest or feeding and nurturing their offspring. During autumn birds migrate south to escape severe winters. This is a good time to shoot birds in flight.

Birds are generally not active when the sun is shining in full strength. In the morning, 3 hours after sunrise, and in the evening, 2 hours before sunset, you can easily shoot different kinds of birds in different poses.

2. What kind of camera is best suited for bird photography?

Apart from batteries, lens hood and memory cards, you would need a tripod or mono pod to keep your digital camera steady, and remote shutter release to help you control your camera from a few yards away. The most important thing that you would need for bird photography is a SLR or DSLR camera with at least 300 mm lens. If you intend to shoot birds in your backyard, then a camera with 10x zoom is also good enough.

3. How to set the camera for taking pictures of birds?

If you're an expert avian photographer, then you should rely solely on manual mode. Continuous focusing and manual focusing are highly recommended. Manual focusing can be accompanied with pre-focusing particularly, if you're capturing birds that are perched on branches or feeders. With the aid of white balancing settings, you can dexterously shoot even in bright sunlight. To control the depth of the scene, use aperture priority mode. It will help you to take better digital photos with ease.

4. How to position yourself for capturing snapshots of birds?

Birds tend to fly the moment they sense that anyone is trying to get closer to them. Professional photographers use camouflage tents to hide. You don't have to buy one to take marvelous snapshots. All you need to do is to hide behind something and quietly complete your photo session. You can also take excellent photos from your bedroom or living room window.

5. How to attract to birds?

For backyard bird photography, you would have to find out ways to attract birds. Some proven methods of attracting birds are as follows:

Vegetation: Conduct some research to find out what kind of herbs, shrubs and trees attract birds. For instance, if you plant chokecherry, Robins and Cedar Waxwings will start coming to your garden.
Water: Having a waterfall or other water feature is another good way of attracting birds. If it is not possible to install a water feature, then simply place some fresh water in a shallow bowl. During the hot summer months, you will surely find some visiting birds stopping for a bath and a drink.
Food: Instead of using feeders of all shapes and sizes, just place some seeds in a bowl. Make sure that the bowl is shallow.
Perches: Use twigs and broken branches to build perches for birds to sit and rest awhile.

6. How to capture birds in flight?

It is quite difficult to capture birds in flight; one way to achieve good inflight photographs is to set the aperture and shutter speed manually and use pre-focusing. Additionally, set the camera on a tripod and use the remote shutter release.

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