3 Reasons To Take Things Slow After You" ve Cheated On Your Spouse
Cheating on your spouse is no small thing. Doing this has had dire consequences for many relationships over the centuries. It's not enough that this scenario is prime fodder for victim advocacy programs, women's television, and late night movies.
Now it's taking a spot front and center in your own living room. You're the one in the hot seat and you don't know what to do to make things right. You want to rush right in and fix everything all at once. The only problem is that will probably land you right back in hot water. Fast.
It's better to take things slow when you're trying to repair the damage that's been done to your relationship by cheating. Here are just a few of the reasons why taking this slow is the best choice for the time being.
1)Fools are they who rush in. There is a chance to see potential problems in taking things slow so as to avoid getting caught unaware. Take time and enjoy all over again the process of getting to know each other. Numerous relationships fail in the end because they all seemed to have rushed into the altar. Of course you deserve better than that. Do it more slowly this time and enjoy the all wisdom brought about by a relationship that is built to last.
2)Sometimes you have to go back to the beginning to really watch the story take off. If you've ever read a "slow" book you'll understand what this means. You ever notice how some books just seem to suck you in from the first sentence and are over far too soon while you literally have to force yourself to read other books? Sometimes you can go back to the beginning and start over to discover that the story really is beautiful. You just had to start over to see it. The same can be said of some relationships. If you've cheated on your spouse you may need to go back to the beginning in order to truly appreciate what you have - or have the potential to have with your spouse.
3)Taking things slow this time may give you a time to fix problems as they arise instead of rushing things through and scanning over them. It could be that your avoidance to deal with the problem is the reason for the cheating right from the start. Avoid the same and strive to have lesser errors and issues this time around. If you are serious in taking the opportunity for a happy ever after story it is good to learn dig down to the root cause of the issue as they come around and provide solution to the same as quickly as you can.
Now it's taking a spot front and center in your own living room. You're the one in the hot seat and you don't know what to do to make things right. You want to rush right in and fix everything all at once. The only problem is that will probably land you right back in hot water. Fast.
It's better to take things slow when you're trying to repair the damage that's been done to your relationship by cheating. Here are just a few of the reasons why taking this slow is the best choice for the time being.
1)Fools are they who rush in. There is a chance to see potential problems in taking things slow so as to avoid getting caught unaware. Take time and enjoy all over again the process of getting to know each other. Numerous relationships fail in the end because they all seemed to have rushed into the altar. Of course you deserve better than that. Do it more slowly this time and enjoy the all wisdom brought about by a relationship that is built to last.
2)Sometimes you have to go back to the beginning to really watch the story take off. If you've ever read a "slow" book you'll understand what this means. You ever notice how some books just seem to suck you in from the first sentence and are over far too soon while you literally have to force yourself to read other books? Sometimes you can go back to the beginning and start over to discover that the story really is beautiful. You just had to start over to see it. The same can be said of some relationships. If you've cheated on your spouse you may need to go back to the beginning in order to truly appreciate what you have - or have the potential to have with your spouse.
3)Taking things slow this time may give you a time to fix problems as they arise instead of rushing things through and scanning over them. It could be that your avoidance to deal with the problem is the reason for the cheating right from the start. Avoid the same and strive to have lesser errors and issues this time around. If you are serious in taking the opportunity for a happy ever after story it is good to learn dig down to the root cause of the issue as they come around and provide solution to the same as quickly as you can.