How to Stop Pain From Mysterious Ailments
Have you ever gone to a doctor for pain or swelling, and they really don't tell you what's wrong with you, but feel free to write a prescription? I've been living that scenario for about the past five years.
I'm 46 now, and back in the high school years I tore the ligaments in my left ankle.
The doctors told me I would have been better off breaking it , because it would cause me problems the rest of my life.
Oh, yes, they were right!!!! Later in life, at around 30-something I broke a bone in the same foot.
Years later, at around 40, I had a severe injury to my right knee.
I was hospitalized and had to go through painful therapy.
Now, you're all caught up.
About once a year I will aggravate either the left foot or the right knee, and sometimes it's minor.
It will be the equivalent to a sprain.
However, sometimes, I have this incredible reaction that causes intense swelling that spreads rapidly to both feet, ankles, and knees.
These areas become "literally" rock-hard, and I cannot move from the waist down.
I become crippled.
X-rays, blood tests, and everything you can imagine show NOTHING!!! Yet, the doctors always write on my medical report...
"Appears to have some form of 'gout'.
" Then, they write a prescription for Indocin, which reduces swelling, which reduces the pain.
However, Indocin can cause other problems if you take it too long.
So, this got me looking into other, more natural ways of healing this condition.
Now, I'm not a doctor.
I'm just telling you what worked for me after seeing what worked for other people.
I had read where Omega-3 fish oil (purified is better), and Cherry Juice helps prevent joint problems.
I have been taking both for the past year, and "knock on wood", I feel fantastic!!! I drink an 8-ounce glass of cherry juice every day, and take three gelatin pills of Omega-3...
Also, cherry juice has been laboratory studied and results show that it is THE antioxidant gem in the rough.
Look into it.
AND, not only does Omega-3 help with circulation and heart function, but it's been proven that it helps the brain.
The brain is made up of 60% fat.
However, it needs GOOD fat to perform and stay healthy.
Guess what? Omega-3 provides the "good fat".
Now, besides the pill form that you buy in drugstores...
you can get these same Omega-3 qualities from certain fish like salmon, or enriched foods like wheat pasta and certain breads.
Read the labels.
Like I said, I'm not a doctor, but this works for me and many other people.
The other thing you have to keep in mind is diet and exercise.
You just can't eat salmon and wash it down with cherry juice, and think the world is beautiful.
You have to watch your alcohol intake AND get out there and exercise.
Exercise seems like a four-letter word to most people, but something as simple as walking can add years to your life.
If you live about a mile from your local market, then why not walk? If you live under 5 miles from where you work, then why not ride a bike? Excuses come by the dozens, but I have been doing the above for years.
I'm not only 46, but I've maintained my weight for about 20 years at 175 pounds, and I'm 5' 10".
Not bad, considering most people my age...
well, you get the picture.
I don't want to sound preachy, but I want to help those people with similar ailments and let you know what has worked for me.
By the way...
I cannot stress enough how bike riding helps the knees and ankles if that is you problem area.
However, I don't know the severity of your condition, so ask your doctor if bike riding is okay.
I hope this helps at least one person!
I'm 46 now, and back in the high school years I tore the ligaments in my left ankle.
The doctors told me I would have been better off breaking it , because it would cause me problems the rest of my life.
Oh, yes, they were right!!!! Later in life, at around 30-something I broke a bone in the same foot.
Years later, at around 40, I had a severe injury to my right knee.
I was hospitalized and had to go through painful therapy.
Now, you're all caught up.
About once a year I will aggravate either the left foot or the right knee, and sometimes it's minor.
It will be the equivalent to a sprain.
However, sometimes, I have this incredible reaction that causes intense swelling that spreads rapidly to both feet, ankles, and knees.
These areas become "literally" rock-hard, and I cannot move from the waist down.
I become crippled.
X-rays, blood tests, and everything you can imagine show NOTHING!!! Yet, the doctors always write on my medical report...
"Appears to have some form of 'gout'.
" Then, they write a prescription for Indocin, which reduces swelling, which reduces the pain.
However, Indocin can cause other problems if you take it too long.
So, this got me looking into other, more natural ways of healing this condition.
Now, I'm not a doctor.
I'm just telling you what worked for me after seeing what worked for other people.
I had read where Omega-3 fish oil (purified is better), and Cherry Juice helps prevent joint problems.
I have been taking both for the past year, and "knock on wood", I feel fantastic!!! I drink an 8-ounce glass of cherry juice every day, and take three gelatin pills of Omega-3...
Also, cherry juice has been laboratory studied and results show that it is THE antioxidant gem in the rough.
Look into it.
AND, not only does Omega-3 help with circulation and heart function, but it's been proven that it helps the brain.
The brain is made up of 60% fat.
However, it needs GOOD fat to perform and stay healthy.
Guess what? Omega-3 provides the "good fat".
Now, besides the pill form that you buy in drugstores...
you can get these same Omega-3 qualities from certain fish like salmon, or enriched foods like wheat pasta and certain breads.
Read the labels.
Like I said, I'm not a doctor, but this works for me and many other people.
The other thing you have to keep in mind is diet and exercise.
You just can't eat salmon and wash it down with cherry juice, and think the world is beautiful.
You have to watch your alcohol intake AND get out there and exercise.
Exercise seems like a four-letter word to most people, but something as simple as walking can add years to your life.
If you live about a mile from your local market, then why not walk? If you live under 5 miles from where you work, then why not ride a bike? Excuses come by the dozens, but I have been doing the above for years.
I'm not only 46, but I've maintained my weight for about 20 years at 175 pounds, and I'm 5' 10".
Not bad, considering most people my age...
well, you get the picture.
I don't want to sound preachy, but I want to help those people with similar ailments and let you know what has worked for me.
By the way...
I cannot stress enough how bike riding helps the knees and ankles if that is you problem area.
However, I don't know the severity of your condition, so ask your doctor if bike riding is okay.
I hope this helps at least one person!