Technology Software

MOUS Certification Exam Tips


    • A study guide provides an overview of the exam and the type of knowledge required. Most study guides include practice questions similar to the actual test. The Microsoft website provides a list of study guides that can be purchased.

    Practice the Program

    • Because you must perform simulated procedures during the test, it is helpful to practice using Microsoft Office software. Microsoft offers a free trial download of various Office programs on its website. Users can install the trial programs to become familiar with them.

    Read Carefully

    • Take your time to read each question carefully, as the exam tests your reading comprehension skills. A portion of the test is simulated and you will be directed to perform a particular action. A summary of instructions for each question will be listed. Your reading skills will be helpful because it is important that you follow all instructions verbatim in an effort to answer the question correctly. For example, if you're taking the Microsoft Word exam, you'll be given detailed instructions that may direct you to perform an action, such as formatting a paragraph. The instructions will give specifics regarding the required font size, border size or other elements related to the paragraph.

    Avoid Extra Steps

    • It isn't necessary to impress management with your skills by adding steps not listed in the instructions. For example, if you're taking the Microsoft Excel exam, the column headers may be generic listings, such as Sheet1 or Sheet2. It isn't necessary to add customized headings, such as your name, because this will result in you losing points on the exam.

    Use the Scroll Bar

    • Using the scroll bar may seem like a simple task, but neglecting to use it can cause you to overlook part of a test question. Some questions may be too large to fit into one window and are continued on the next screen. Be sure that you don't rely only on the first screen and verify that the question has ended by using the scroll bar on the right of the screen.

    Ask for Assistance

    • It's important that you don't hesitate to ask for help while taking the exam, especially if you're experiencing computer issues, such as a screen hanging. Although computer centers try their best to ensure test taking experiences are error-free, there may be events where a computer malfunctions.

    Retain Final Results

    • After you have completed the exam, keep the printout of your results until you have received your certificate confirming that you have passed. Keeping this information is important in the event that your certificate is delayed and you are required to verify your status.

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