Family & Relationships Conflict

When You Have an Ex Boyfriend to Get Back - Be Nice to Your Ex

When you have an ex boyfriend to get back one of the best things you can do is, be nice to your ex.
You may have tried several different ways to get your ex back.
You may have begged him to take you back, you have made all kinds of promises to him, and you may have thought about breaking up his relationship with someone else.
One thing you need to remember is, you must look and act your best at all times.
Acting like a little girl will not get him back.
If you are acting this way you need to take a good look in the mirror to see what type of person you have become and if you do not like what you see, stop it now.
Begging him to take you back is not going to work, if it did you would have him back by now.
No matter where he goes there you are, it seems to him as if you are stalking him.
As a matter of fact, you are.
The things you are doing to get your ex back is really what's pushing him away.
If you and your boyfriend just so happens to end up in the same place together no matter where it is, if he see you speak to him and go on about your business.
If that makes you uncomfortable tell him that you are leaving so he can have fun, this will make him feel more appreciated and comfortable.
Whatever you do, do not leave angry just be nice to your ex and leave.
What you have been doing is not working, do something he would never expect you to do, this is very important.
You need to get out of the habit of calling him everyday and if you are calling him make sure you are calling him for something you really need, not just wasting his time.
If you feel the need to call him do so once a week just to see how he is doing and to let him know that he crossed your mind and you wanted to see how he was doing.
If he starts to ask you questions like, why you really called, just assure him that you wanted to see how he was doing and that you were thinking about him.
End the conversation nicely and hang up.
This way you will leave him thinking about the real reason why you called and he will begin to wonder why you were not acting the way you usually act, you know begging and pleading him to take you back.

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