About the Inspection of Public Records Act
- The act establishes the general rule that all public records are available for the people of the state to view. With this broad rule in place, the act consists mainly of specific exceptions in which the right of inspection is revoked.
- One exception to the public disclosure outlined in the act involves the medical records of state-run institutions. Documents regarding the physical or mental health of an individual in such an institution are considered private.
- Standard protection of records under attorney-client privilege is maintained as an exception to the act. Also, business plans of public hospitals may be withheld from the public.
- Law enforcement agencies are not required to disclose information that would jeopardize people or operations. Additionally, no branch of the state government is required to divulge information that would result in security risks, specifically involving terrorism.
- Veteran discharge papers are not available to the public. Only the veteran, the veteran's next of kin or an authorized attorney or representative may access them.