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Napkin Folding Ideas

Learn some tips and tricks of basic napkin folding, and turn flat table linen into creative miniature works of art with these napkin folding ideas.
The Fan: The fan fold is one of the simplest napkin folding techniques to learn.
First, fold the cloth dinner napkin in half, with the fold at the top.
Begin at the left side and pleat the napkin like an accordion, folding over and then under repeatedly.
Stop when there is of the napkin left to fold.
Vertically flip the napkin over and fold the top down to the bottom.
Turn the right bottom corner of the napkin up so that edge lines up with the pleated napkin edge.
Pull the overlapping piece underneath it all.
Then you can open the napkin gently and stand it up on a dinner plate.
Wine Glass Fold: This fold results in a table linen blossom resting in a wine glass.
Set the cloth dinner napkin in a diamond shape and fold the bottom point to the top point.
Fold the bottom left and bottom right points so they meet the top point.
The napkin should look like a miniature diamond.
Turn the napkin over from left to right.
Horizontally fold the napkin in half again.
Pinch the bottom of the fold and place the napkin into the glass.
Gently tug the right and left ends of the napkin out and down, while carefully holding the middle part in place.
Silverware Holder: Create a clever place to hold the silverware, a flower or chopsticks with this easy napkin folding idea.
Fold a linen napkin in half, then in half again to make a small square.
The folded side should face you.
Turn down the top layer of material from the top left corner down to the bottom right corner.
Turn the napkin over and fold the right side, then the left side,of the way towards the middle.
The bottom parts should then be tucked together.
When you turn the napkin back over, you'll see a little pocket where you can place a variety of items.
When you pay attention to every detail, you increase the chances of a successful party.
Setting an attractive table is one way to give guests an aesthetically pleasing experience and creates an atmosphere of elegance and charm.

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