Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Make Money Online by Writing Articles for Associated Content

Do you like to write? Do you like to making a profit? If you answered yes to either question, you should check out Associated Content.
Associated Content is a website that allows you to sign up as a content producer for free.
Once you're signed up, you can begin to profit from your writing in multiple ways.
To simplify matters, I'll just tell of my experience when signing up for this excellent opportunity.
I signed up a little over a month ago.
I'd already experienced Helium.
com and tried my pen out at Constant Content.
I'd published about thirty articles at Helium and still have not made the minimum twenty-five dollars required for payment.
Helium pays by click but doesn't offer initial payments for articles.
I submitted two articles to constant content.
com but they were both harshly rejected.
But I've had much better luck with Associated Content.
Once signed up, I began contributing articles.
I started with two, and within a few days, I had offers on those stories.
My offers weren't incredibly big (just eight dollars between the two of them) but I felt like I'd hit a single on my first at bat.
I accepted the offers and submitted more.
The articles you write can be about anything you like.
My forte is humor and satire so I often submit under the humor category.
AC doesn't pay that much for humor, if they pay at all, but I've had luck getting most of my humor stories accepted with initial offers.
Initial offers for stories range from three dollars to fifty dollars.
If you know how to write what people want to read, you're guaranteed to make a profit from Associated Content.
Associated Content pays a standard flat rate of five dollars per news article, and four dollars per research paper.
Finally, I found a place for all of those old college papers I slaved over the night before they were due.
It's only four dollars, but if you have a handful, the money can add up.
But the earnings from AC don't stop there.
They have what they call a Performance Bonus.
This means your stories earn more money depending on how many times they've been viewed.
In my experience, you can earn a dollar for approximately every 600-700 hits a story attains.
If you have a real popular story, these hits can add up.
Once you make fifteen dollars in performance bonus, you get paid.
All of AC's payment is made immediately via paypal.
Associated Content is hands down the best website to write for if you intend to make a profit.
They oftentimes give you an initial payment for your work (which you can offer to them both exclusively and non-exclusively) and on top of that, your articles can continue to earn you money through the performance bonus.
You can especially earn extra money if you promote your own work through social bookmarking sites and via other blogs and myspace.
I have about fifteen stories at Associated Content, and my initial offers have gained me nearly fifty dollars.
That's not including my fifteen dollar performance bonus which can continue to earn me money in months to come.
Even if AC doesn't offer an initial payment, you can still publish your story for free and earn money by the hits it receives.
If promoted well, an article you submit for free can still make a nice profit.
On top of everything else, Associated Content has a very active forum full of helpful members, willing to offer advice and tips on achieving the most you can from the website.
It is, by far, the best writing community out there.
The extra money is just frosting on the cake.

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