How to Sanitize With Essential Oils
- 1). General Antiseptic Cleaner Formula
2 teaspoons washing soda
2 teaspoons liquid soap or detergent (fragrance free)
2 cups hot water
Essential oil 10 to 40 drops. Use higher concentration for grimier areas; consider pine, lemon or thyme.
Pour dry ingredients into container, and add detergent and water. Use funnel if needed when adding ingredients. Shake well. Use directly on floors or surfaces. Wipe again with a clean damp cloth. - 2). Add 5 to 20 drops of your selected essential oil, depending on the potency of the oil and the size of your bottle. The addition of thyme oil, tea tree oil, patchouli, pine or eucalyptus will make this blend anti-bacterial.
Fill the bottle with warm water and shake well.
Spray and wipe. - 3). Add an essential oil directly to the surface to be be cleaned and wipe with a cloth. Check beforehand in a small inconspicuous area that the oil will not mar the surface. Not recommended for unfinished wood.
- 4). Add 2 to 5 drops of lemon essential oil directly to dishwater along with dish detergent. Lemon oil is an antiseptic.
- 5). Place 2 to 3 drops of your chosen oil in an aromatic oil diffuser. Suggested oils are eucalyptus, grapefruit, lavender, lemon or rosemary. The aroma serves to cleanse the air.
- 6). Use 1 to 2 drops of tea tree oil directly on the body to cleanse away fungal and infectious conditions. Researchers note this oil as most effective against head lice, followed by lemon oil and lavender oil. Tea tree oil is a bactericide.
- 7). Add 5 to 20 drops of essential oil to two gallons of water with a pure detergent. This can be used to clean floors or surfaces. Thyme oil is a good choice. It contains complex compounds and exhibits high antibacterial activity. The oil is antiseptic and a germicide. Do not use thyme oil directly on the skin. Other oils to consider are eucalyptus, lavender, pine or lemon.