Travel & Places Car Rentals

Costa Rica - Book Your Transport Before You Go or When There?

Costa Rica is an absolutely stunning country. From the mountains and lakes of the interior to the rain forest and then stunning beaches, the country has a lot to offer just about anyone. Getting around, however, requires you to get some form of transportation.

Getting around Costa Rica these days is pretty simple. Although rains can wash out roads, most are in great shape which makes getting around the country fairly easily. 15 years or so ago, getting to even major towns like Tamarindo could be a challenge. Going with anything less than a four wheel drive was just nuts.

The question travelers have faced for years is whether to reserve a vehicle before you go down or just rent one once you are in the country. There are definite pluses and minuses for both approaches. Let's take a look.

The flight to Costa Rica is going to be five hours or more depending on where you are flying from. Given the length, a lot of people prefer to just show up and have everything ready to go. This means renting before hand via ads in Surfer Magazine or online services. It sounds simple, but Costa Rican rental car services are infamous for not exactly delivering the goods. I've been on trips where the company can't be found once we're out of the airport or takes three hours to show up with beater old VW vans instead of pickups! It is really hit and miss.

The alternative is to just rent when you get there. There are tons of impromptu purveyors at the airport. The advantage is you can see what is being offered before committing, know it is there and bargain on the price. The downside is this takes time and can be a drag if you've just arrived after a long flight.

So, which should you choose? I've been to Costa Rica roughly six times over the years. My cohorts and I started off reserving vehicles before we went. By the third trip, we simple grabbed something when we got the airport. It was easier and turned out to be cheaper as well.

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