Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

How to Successfully Overcome Hair Loss

Apart from a dip in the looks of a person due to hair loss, it also makes way for high risk infections.
Hair is a protective layer and it is our responsibility to take care of it.
In some people the high quantity of hormone Dihydrotestrostone (DHT) eventually results in loss of hair.
If DHT is more in the scalp, the hair growth occurs only for a limited period and takes a complete hike after which hair growth is rare.
DHT will affect mostly the top of the head, while the side and back are always spared.
That's why when you look at a bald person you can find hair on the side and the back but not on the front.
Similar to DHT, if high level of sebum is present on the scalp, it will block the pores of the follicles, because of which the proper nourishment to grow is lost.
Often cleaning the scalp will unblock the pores and thus offering the required nourishment to grow strong.
Effective cleaning is one of the most common hair loss solutions.
Food habits also play a vital part in hair growth.
If proper minerals, vitamins, iron and amino acids are in the intake, hair loss can be prevented.
One of the fundamental facts about hair is that it grows at an average of about one inch every two months.
About 100 of the 100,000 strands are shed every day as a result of hair loss.
While rubbing your hair, don't use much force as it will make the hair very brittle and thus damage it.
Hair replacement is usually done as a hair loss treatment but it has its own side effects.
Hair replacement is not something like removing and replacing the entire chunk of hair on the head.
Instead it is simply a re-arrangement which covers the hair loss.
But if you opt for replacement, you might be required to go to the specialists every month because only they know how to maintain it properly.

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