Home & Garden Home Improvement

Professional Plumbers Should Handle Shower Repair

Some things are just better left to the professionals.
A plumbing leak in the shower might seem like a project that a do-it-yourselfer can manage well, but it really can get quite complex.
Depending on where the leak is originating, a tiled shower wall could need to come out.
That's actually pretty in-depth, and I wouldn't recommend attempting it without hiring a professional plumber.
Let's talk about what could be involved with a shower repair.
Shower repair involving a plumbing leak If you can see the water running out of a connection between your shower head and the wall, it might be an easy fix to simply remove the shower head and replace it.
The larger issues involve leaking handles and evident moisture from behind the wall at the valve.
Any time there is moisture from behind the wall, don't ignore the problem.
If the pipes and valves can be reached from the other side of the wall and the tiled wall itself isn't damaged, it may be possible to repair the leak from the backside.
Your professional plumber will know where to locate that problem so the damage is minimized.
If the wall has been exposed to moisture from behind that has caused the tiles to come loose, they may have to be knocked out and the drywall behind the tile actually replaced.
If the studs are wet, they need to be completely dry before proceeding.
Of course, this will also require new tile.
Once the leak is located, and it's determined what needs to be replaced - the valve or the pipe itself - removal can be further hampered by the age of the valve and the length of time it has been leaking.
Rust and other debris can make it difficult to hold on to, and the connections have a way of adhering together that can make a grown man cry.
Those in the industry know what it takes to get those pipes loosed.
Shower repair due to cracked shower pan If you have standing water around the base of the exterior of your tub or shower, you're dealing with water getting through the wall, under the entire fixture and running out, or possibly a crack around the drain or in the bottom of the tub or shower.
Replacing a shower pan is no small job.
The tub or shower bottom needs to be removed, and that requires breaking out additional tiles.
A shower pan liner extends above the lip of the tub or shower, to contain moisture that might get through.
Get it replaced as soon as possible to avoid rotting the studs and causing rodents, termite infestation, or mold.
Shower repair due to a drain leak A drain leak in the tub or shower will require getting into that shower pan, too.
Once again, it's very important to get that dried out and replaced as soon as possible to avoid more damage.
Often, it isn't the repair that makes a plumbing leak complex.
That's the easy part.
Difficulty happens exposing the original leaking area and removing the materials for the repair.
It's very easy to damage more property than necessary during discovery and removal.
Then more parts and labor are involved replacing the original parts.
Don't take on jobs like this by yourself.
Shower repairs aren't easy, and they need specific information that an experienced plumber will possess.

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