Reincarnation and Spirituality Is Camouflaged by Ignorance
The thing that stands in the way of knowledge is ignorance.
The power that is derived by keeping people in that state is enormous and profitable.
Leaders like to hide facts from their followers because it increases their value and religions in particular do the same.
Kings and chiefs have done this for centuries and now the confusion of many gods, heavens, paradise, hell, devils and saints; have become so great in number, according to their promoters, that few can find their way out of the fog.
Around the world today there is panic setting in as realisation hits that we are heading for the end times.
Some are far more concerned about this prospect than those who only want to protect their wealth.
If one thinks more about their spirituality than worldly things then they are the ones most likely to have returned to life from previous times.
My experience of reincarnation and my spirituality is a link to the Spirit of the universe that is the only God.
It is not a man and it has no sex so it never fathered a child.
When coming to grips with the ignorance in the world about the real God my research uncovered horrendous divisions between reality and the make-believe forces that oppose it.
They are two sides of the same cake, one is dark and the other is light.
Between them is a barrier of such proportions that no one can remove it.
But the Spirit promised that at the end it would be removed by a woman.
Jeremiah 31:22 states that she will compass a man.
That man was shown to be in a vision and it is Constantine, emperor of the Roman world in the 4th CAD.
He invented Jesus Christ and established a religion around it.
To hide its roots the organisation of his conspiracy uses ignorance to stop its followers from finding the truth.
The Spirit knows it all because it is part of the plan of God to deliver the spiritual children of Israel at the end.
We have almost reached that time and not only will the work of 666 be uncovered but the things hidden by it will be brought out into the open.
That was the promise in Micah 4 where it names the woman as the Daughter of Zion.
She is the one who will tear down the barrier and it is stated in Lamentations 2:18 that all people should cry until it is done because of what it has delivered.
The power that is derived by keeping people in that state is enormous and profitable.
Leaders like to hide facts from their followers because it increases their value and religions in particular do the same.
Kings and chiefs have done this for centuries and now the confusion of many gods, heavens, paradise, hell, devils and saints; have become so great in number, according to their promoters, that few can find their way out of the fog.
Around the world today there is panic setting in as realisation hits that we are heading for the end times.
Some are far more concerned about this prospect than those who only want to protect their wealth.
If one thinks more about their spirituality than worldly things then they are the ones most likely to have returned to life from previous times.
My experience of reincarnation and my spirituality is a link to the Spirit of the universe that is the only God.
It is not a man and it has no sex so it never fathered a child.
When coming to grips with the ignorance in the world about the real God my research uncovered horrendous divisions between reality and the make-believe forces that oppose it.
They are two sides of the same cake, one is dark and the other is light.
Between them is a barrier of such proportions that no one can remove it.
But the Spirit promised that at the end it would be removed by a woman.
Jeremiah 31:22 states that she will compass a man.
That man was shown to be in a vision and it is Constantine, emperor of the Roman world in the 4th CAD.
He invented Jesus Christ and established a religion around it.
To hide its roots the organisation of his conspiracy uses ignorance to stop its followers from finding the truth.
The Spirit knows it all because it is part of the plan of God to deliver the spiritual children of Israel at the end.
We have almost reached that time and not only will the work of 666 be uncovered but the things hidden by it will be brought out into the open.
That was the promise in Micah 4 where it names the woman as the Daughter of Zion.
She is the one who will tear down the barrier and it is stated in Lamentations 2:18 that all people should cry until it is done because of what it has delivered.