5 Tips for Natural Lasting Weight Loss
We all know that diets don't work in the long term (and some don't even work very well in the short term!) Instead, follow these simple tips to lose weight easily and naturally, and keep it off for good...
Always Eat Breakfast Your digestion is at its strongest in the morning, and its weakest in the evening.
Eating breakfast gives your body fuel when you most need it (after a mini-fast during the night) and also kick starts the metabolism.
It might seem tempting to skip breakfast if you're trying to lose weight, but doing so will only slow your metabolism down.
It can also make you feel tired and low on energy throughout the day.
Eating some good quality protein in the morning is especially useful.
Ditch the Refined Carbs Refined carbs are the enemy if you want to lose weight, and the more refined, the worse they are.
That means all wheat products, pasta and sugar.
The solution? Just eat less carbs - for your meals have lots more vegetables, the same amount of protein, and less carbs (potato, pasta, rice, bread etc.
) You'll still be full, but less bloated, and your body will have less that it needs to store as fat.
Go More Natural This applies to your whole diet, but especially the carbs.
Use wholemeal bread and pasta and wholegrain rice instead of the white versions.
Where you can, replace white sugar with honey or an unrefined natural sweetener (eg date syrup, malt or agave nectar - find them in a health food shop) 4.
Slow Down Don't eat on the go if you can possibly avoid it.
Sit down, and take your time with your food.
Make sure you chew well.
This is the first stage of digestion, and it shouldn't be overlooked.
Slowing down gives you a chance to register when you're full, so you're likely to stop eating sooner.
It also puts less stress on your digestive system, so you digest more efficiently.
Get Some Decent Advice One of the problems with diets is they don't take account of individual differences.
It's obvious that works for some people, won't work for others.
Getting personalised advice from a trained nutritional therapist could be the best thing you ever do.
It means you'll get specific advice based on your goals, your routine, your overall health and your likes and dislikes.
Then you can forget all about the generic diets and focus on what's going to work for YOU.
Losing weight doesn't have to mean cutting out everything you enjoy, or following a rigid diet plan.
Nor do you have to religiously count calories or points.
Follow the tips above, and you could soon start losing weight the easy, natural way...
Always Eat Breakfast Your digestion is at its strongest in the morning, and its weakest in the evening.
Eating breakfast gives your body fuel when you most need it (after a mini-fast during the night) and also kick starts the metabolism.
It might seem tempting to skip breakfast if you're trying to lose weight, but doing so will only slow your metabolism down.
It can also make you feel tired and low on energy throughout the day.
Eating some good quality protein in the morning is especially useful.
Ditch the Refined Carbs Refined carbs are the enemy if you want to lose weight, and the more refined, the worse they are.
That means all wheat products, pasta and sugar.
The solution? Just eat less carbs - for your meals have lots more vegetables, the same amount of protein, and less carbs (potato, pasta, rice, bread etc.
) You'll still be full, but less bloated, and your body will have less that it needs to store as fat.
Go More Natural This applies to your whole diet, but especially the carbs.
Use wholemeal bread and pasta and wholegrain rice instead of the white versions.
Where you can, replace white sugar with honey or an unrefined natural sweetener (eg date syrup, malt or agave nectar - find them in a health food shop) 4.
Slow Down Don't eat on the go if you can possibly avoid it.
Sit down, and take your time with your food.
Make sure you chew well.
This is the first stage of digestion, and it shouldn't be overlooked.
Slowing down gives you a chance to register when you're full, so you're likely to stop eating sooner.
It also puts less stress on your digestive system, so you digest more efficiently.
Get Some Decent Advice One of the problems with diets is they don't take account of individual differences.
It's obvious that works for some people, won't work for others.
Getting personalised advice from a trained nutritional therapist could be the best thing you ever do.
It means you'll get specific advice based on your goals, your routine, your overall health and your likes and dislikes.
Then you can forget all about the generic diets and focus on what's going to work for YOU.
Losing weight doesn't have to mean cutting out everything you enjoy, or following a rigid diet plan.
Nor do you have to religiously count calories or points.
Follow the tips above, and you could soon start losing weight the easy, natural way...