Law & Legal & Attorney Immigration Law

Denmark Green Card for Engineer

Denmark is a prosperous economy and needs an uninterrupted flow of expertise in every field. Positive list has been defined to serve the very same purpose. It intends to attract qualified people from different corners of the globe possessing requisite qualifications. Danish Green Card is offered to qualified Engineers in the engineering stream.

Residence permit procured under this system permits you to skip the basic essential of obtaining a work permit as well as a job offer before applying for visa. If you have the requisite qualification and sufficient funds and health coverage to support your stay in Denmark for the 1st year of your stay, you can easily qualify for the green card visa.

This passage has been often termed as the short cut to acquire entry permit into this wonderful country. The occupations under the engineering classification have been elaborately defined along with the job tittles in the priority list.

The minimum qualifications for the titles including Environmental engineer, Construction engineer etc are Master's degree in the relevant subjects.

People involved in occupations as Building engineer, Chemical engineer, Electric engineer, Energy engineer, Mechanical engineer, Plastics engineer, Production engineer need a minimum of professional bachelors degree in the relevant fields.

The application must score a minimum of 100 points in the Point Base Evaluation (PBS) to qualify for the green card. The educational credentials will be evaluated by Cirius for the purpose of establishing parity between the furnished educational documentation and the Danish standards. It is advisable to submit color photocopies of the documents to facilitate internationalization evaluation.

The parameters for the assessment of application include


•Work experience



•Language skills

Age criteria enables allotment of points to people aged less than 40 years.

Language skills also have a fair priority in the evaluation schedule and having a fair command over one of Nordic languages besides English or German is mandatory.

If you have studied or worked in EU/EEA (including Denmark) or Switzerland you are allotted adaptability additional points.

There are great advantages for the people qualifying under the priority list of occupations as they tend score minimum stipulated points easily. You can score 60 points for the master's degree and 30 points for the bachelor's degree. If the degree was granted by a renowned university you can score bonus points. Bonus points are also allocated to people having qualification such as specified engineering qualifications in the positive list.

Engineers can also score better in the work experience heading of PBS for Danish Green Card. The points in this criterion are granted on the basis of number of years of experience in preceding 5 years.

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