Health & Medical Men's Health

Enlarged Prostate Symptoms - Early Detection Can Provide More Treatment Options

There are two main types of enlarged prostate symptoms: storage and void symptoms.
Storage symptoms include urgency, urinary frequency, and similar.
Voiding symptoms include hesitancy, dribbling, weak urinary stream and similar.
Although a swollen prostate does not necessarily indicate prostate cancer, knowing what to look for can assist in early detection and treatment.
Symptoms The most commonly reported enlarged prostate symptoms include (but are not limited to) the following:
  • Urinary urgency
  • Urinary frequency
  • Weak urination
  • Urinary hesitancy
  • Urinary blockage
  • Urinary leakage
  • Urinary dibbling or dripping
  • Blood in the urine
  • Male sexual problems
Causes Generally the prostate continues to grow during a man's lifetime, resulting in prostate problems usually only appearing later in life.
Generally men in their sixties, seventies, and eighties are the most frequent to report enlarged prostate symptoms.
There is still much to be learned as to the causes of a swollen prostate, a few factors are clear contributors.
Hormonal imbalances and an unhealthy lifestyle are two of the most common factors to contribute to an enlarged prostate.
Treatment Generally prostate treatment begins with lifestyle changes (including diet, frequent urination, sitting on firm surfaces, avoiding cold temperatures) and watchful waiting.
Sometimes prescription medications are indicated.
Hormonal balancers including alpha blockers and 5α-reductase inhibitors are often used before more invasive therapies and surgeries.
Enlarged prostate symptoms can also be treated with more alternative prostate treatments such as herbal remedies and heat therapies.
Saw palmetto is the most commonly used herb to support prostate health.
Men report reduction in the size of the swollen prostate with few or no side effects.
Heat therapies include electro vaporization, microwave therapy, and laser therapy.
Surgical intervention is the most invasive treatment for prostate problems and is usually reserved for cases requiring prostate cancer treatment.
Most men prefer to seek any and all alternative therapies before such an aggressive approach that involves serious, long-term side effects.
Early Detection Avoiding prostate cancer involved being aware of and looking out for enlarged prostate symptoms.
Early detection generally brings the rewards of many treatment options including more gentle, natural remedies.
It is important for a man to discuss any enlarged prostate symptoms and possible treatment options with his doctor.

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