Health & Medical Diabetes

Help For Diabetics - Alternative Treatments

If you have been keeping up with treatments for diabetics, you will realize that many alternative treatment have been set forth in the last few years.
Here are a few of the most popular methods of alternative treatment for diabetics.
Certain types of cinnamon have shown to be effective in lowering blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetics.
About one-fifth of a teaspoon is all that you need to try this out and see if it works for you, if your doctor approves.
You will be able to tell within a few weeks if it is working.
Chromium is a trace mineral that is not only associated with diabetes, but also with obesity and weight loss.
High sugar and grain consumption is believed to cause a chromium deficiency.
A deficiency can be remedied with daily supplements.
It is possible that an acidic food taken before meals can help to slow the absorption of sugars in the large intestine.
This type of food could be a vinegary pickle, a marinated vegetable such as carrots or mushrooms, or green olives.
Acupuncture is primarily used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes and is most effective on younger patients.
It is commonly used in conjunction with Chinese herbs, such as ginseng in order to lower blood sugar levels.
A low level of magnesium, an important mineral, has been found to relate to insulin resistance, and with supplementation it can reduce this resistance, thus helping the insulin to enter the cells more efficiently.
A new type of blood glucose monitoring device is on the way.
It will be approved for use within a couple of years.
This device will alleviate the need for finger pricks to monitor blood glucose.
It will consist of an "ink" made up of nanoparticles which can be injected under the skin, while suspended in a saline solution.
This will act similar to a tattoo and will last for approximately six months before needing to be refreshed.
If you are a diabetic, please discuss these alternate treatments with you doctor before considering them, but some may be worth investigating further.

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