Health & Medical Diabetes

Treatment For Type-Two Diabetes - Listing The Options

There are about 17 million people in the U.
who have diabetes mellitus and 90% of those diagnosed have non-insulin dependent diabetes or Type-Two diabetes.
Once diagnosed, the course of treatment for this disease usually involves a controlled and healthy diet and physical regimen and if necessary, medication.
Treating Type-Two Diabetes The goal of every treatment for Type-Two diabetes is the management of the disease by ensuring that the blood glucose level is regulated and kept within the normal range.
If you have Type-Two diabetes, it's important to perform a blood test regularly in order to monitor blood glucose level.
This test is referred to as the HbA1c test, commonly performed at least every 2 months by a doctor.
The HbA1c test measures red blood cells, the number of which will indicate your blood glucose level.
Your doctor will inform you what your target level should be.
A normal or close to normal HbA1c level will help you feel better and lower your risk of developing complications associated with diabetes such as kidney, feet, heart and eye problems.
Your HbA1c and blood glucose level can usually be regulated by following these guidelines: Eat a Balanced Diet If you have diabetes, you will probably be working with a nurse and a dietitian to help you design a healthful meal plan.
This usually requires that you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and foods that are rich in fiber and low in fat.
There is no such thing as "special foods" for people with diabetes, so there's no need for you to try to explore anything more than the usual.
Following a sensible and healthful meal plan should suffice.
Maintain a Healthy Weight Range This means that if you're overweight, you will have to shed a few pounds.
This will not only help you lower your blood glucose level, you will also feel healthier and have more energy.
Engage in Regular Physical Activity Regular exercise is important to keep your blood circulation going and your heart healthy.
It will also help you lose or maintain weight.
Physical activity also helps reduce your risk of developing heart problems.
Some diabetics also need medication, which includes pills and insulin injections.
The combination of medication and lifestyle changes are necessary in order to manage Type-Two diabetes successfully and avoid any complications that might lead to a serious health risk.
This is also important to help reduce cardiovascular risk and control hypertension.
Conventional Medicines for the Treatment of Type-Two Diabetes For most individuals, Type-Two diabetes may be managed by simply making reasonable but controlled changes in their lifestyle choices.
This is done for a period of several months and if successful, the same diet, physical regimen and weight control program is maintained for life.
If the blood glucose level is too high despite the changes, medication is usually prescribed.
Some of the most common medications used to treat Type-Two diabetes include: Metformin.
This is a biguanide taken in tablet form, usually the first treatment you will receive.
It helps decrease the amount of glucose that is released from the liver to the bloodstream.
It also helps increase your body's sensitivity to insulin.
Unlike other medications that lower glucose levels, there is little risk of metformin causing hypoglycemia.
It may also be used with other Type-Two diabetes medications.
The only drawback to using metformin is that it causes nausea and diarrhea in some users, although this can be avoided if a low dose is used initially and gradually built up over a period of several weeks.
These include drugs such as glibenclamide, glimepiride, gliquidone, gliclazide and tolbutamide, which are well-tolerated by patients who can not use metformin.
In Type-Two diabetes, this drug treatment helps the pancreas produce more insulin.
The dose for this drug may be increased gradually until the blood glucose level can be controlled.
Sulphonylurea can be an effective part of Type-Two diabetes treatment if you have healthful, regular meals and don't take alcohol.
Otherwise, it might allow hypoglycemia to set in.
Sulphonylurea drugs can also cause nausea, constipation or mild diarrhea.
Thiazolidinediones or Glitazones.
As part of a Type-Two diabetes drug treatment, these medications help increase your body's sensitivity to insulin so it is more capable of processing glucose in the cells.
This helps lower your blood glucose level.
Thiazolidinediones or glitazones are usually taken in conjunction with other diabetes drugs.
Thiazolidinediones or glitazones are quite effective as drug treatment for Type-Two diabetes.
The only drawback is that you'll have a slight risk of developing liver damage, so regular blood tests are required for monitoring.
Fluid retention is also another side effect.

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