Pets & Animal Pets Cats

How to Breed Mixed Siamese

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      Siamese cats should have a full health screening before mating.Jupiterimages/ Images

      Take your cat for a full health screening. Make sure your female is fertile and strong enough to produce healthy kittens. Talk to your veterinarian about your cat's breeding cycle. Cats go into heat several times a year. Using a vaginal smear, your vet can tell you when the cat's next breeding cycle should begin.

    • 2). Choose a mate. Look for a male with an attractive temperament. Temperament, as well as color and markings, all affect the kittens. Consider hair length. Siamese cats have short, sleek fur. Breeding with a long-haired cat such as a Persian may result in a long-haired cat with the Siamese markings. Breeding with a shorthair or striped tabby may result in a flame Siamese. While not recognized by Cat Fanciers Association, this Siamese mix with the sleek fur, dark points and pale, tiger-striped body is a very popular mixed breed.

    • 3). Arrange the mating with the male's owner. Agree on a stud fee and a meeting point. Collect the health record on the male to ensure that he is healthy to breed with your female.

    • 4). Introduce the male and female while the female is in heat. It may take several encounters over two or three days to ensure pregnancy.

    • 5). Feed your cat pregnancy formula cat food.

    • 6). Introduce your pregnant cat to the kittening box around the fifth week of her pregnancy. The box is a wooden or cardboard box large enough for the cat to lie comfortably. Line the box with several layers of newspaper and cover with a soft, washable cloth.

    • 7). Contact your vet when the cat goes into labor. Most mother cats know instinctively how to give birth and care for their newborn kittens. But, some mother cats have trouble giving birth, and some kittens are born weak.

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