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How to Keep Squirrels Out of the Backyard

    • 1). Make bird feeders in your backyard inaccessible to squirrels. Move them, if need be, so they are at least 10 feet away from any spot where a squirrel can jump over to them. Keep feeders away from roofs, trees, fences, decks, hanging planters and so forth.

    • 2). Slide a length of PVC pipe over the feeder pole to keep squirrels from climbing up. You can also slide a spring coil toy over the pole. Attach one end to the top of the pole. If a squirrel does get on the coil, its weight will pull the coil down and send it back to the ground.

    • 3). Mix some ground cayenne pepper into the birdseed to dissuade squirrels from feasting at your bird feeders. Add 2 or 3 tbsp. of pepper per pound of bird seed in a container. Close and shake the container to mix it well. The heat of the cayenne won't bother the birds because they can't taste it. It will, however, repel squirrels.

    • 4). Sprinkle ground cayenne pepper in potted plants to prevent squirrels from digging in them. Sprinkle additional pepper around plants they bother, and around other areas of your yard where they are digging holes.

    • 5). Plant flowers that squirrels don't like to keep the marauding rodents out of your backyard. These include marigolds, ornamental onions, narcissus, hyacinths, crocus and allium.

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