Wisdom - What Is It?
Wisdom It is often said that we gain wisdom by what we experience, and that experience is the best teacher.
How do we gain experience? By making what some would call mistakes.
However,looking at these circumstances from the proper perspective, they really aren't mistakes, they are more like learning experiences.
After a while we begin to realize there are no so called mistakes in life.
Wisdom has nothing to do with a formal education, it doesn't matter which college you may have gone to, or if you went at all.
In fact, only learning what someone else thinks they know can be a detriment to our own advancement.
Only by critical thinking and determining the truth in our own mind can we grow in wisdom.
Only in getting outside the box of conventional thinking can our knowledge increase beyond what is assumed correct.
No where is this more apparent today than in the political and pop culture arena.
Decisions are made today based on ideas and principles that are not only wrong, but have no moral of logical basis whatsoever.
One who follows these principles have very little or no chance of becoming healthy, wealthy or wise, quite the contrary.
Every event in our life is an opportunity to wake up and find what really matters in life.
Looking at things from this view point, one can determine there are no bad or negative events in our life, there are all only events, it is us, the individual who determines whether it is a bad or good experience and even then can only be determined after all the corresponding events from that particular circumstance is known, thus it can be years before all the facts are in.
As humans, we don't see things as they are, we see them as we are, as our knowledge or wisdom grows, our perspective also changes, thus our outlook on life changes and grows in a more positive direction.
As we grow, we leave behind the attitude that life is a struggle and replace it with a knowing that if we wait patiently and remain positive, the things we need and desire will be presented to us effortlessly and without struggle, as we learn to go with the flow our life will become more prosperous and enjoyable.
Acquiring wisdom is a lifelong pursuit, it can only be attained by diligently seeking out your truth by exploring all avenues of knowledge and most importantly using the good common sense that is embedded in all of us to determine the truth that will stand the test of time.
As always I would be interested in your thoughts on this matter.
How do we gain experience? By making what some would call mistakes.
However,looking at these circumstances from the proper perspective, they really aren't mistakes, they are more like learning experiences.
After a while we begin to realize there are no so called mistakes in life.
Wisdom has nothing to do with a formal education, it doesn't matter which college you may have gone to, or if you went at all.
In fact, only learning what someone else thinks they know can be a detriment to our own advancement.
Only by critical thinking and determining the truth in our own mind can we grow in wisdom.
Only in getting outside the box of conventional thinking can our knowledge increase beyond what is assumed correct.
No where is this more apparent today than in the political and pop culture arena.
Decisions are made today based on ideas and principles that are not only wrong, but have no moral of logical basis whatsoever.
One who follows these principles have very little or no chance of becoming healthy, wealthy or wise, quite the contrary.
Every event in our life is an opportunity to wake up and find what really matters in life.
Looking at things from this view point, one can determine there are no bad or negative events in our life, there are all only events, it is us, the individual who determines whether it is a bad or good experience and even then can only be determined after all the corresponding events from that particular circumstance is known, thus it can be years before all the facts are in.
As humans, we don't see things as they are, we see them as we are, as our knowledge or wisdom grows, our perspective also changes, thus our outlook on life changes and grows in a more positive direction.
As we grow, we leave behind the attitude that life is a struggle and replace it with a knowing that if we wait patiently and remain positive, the things we need and desire will be presented to us effortlessly and without struggle, as we learn to go with the flow our life will become more prosperous and enjoyable.
Acquiring wisdom is a lifelong pursuit, it can only be attained by diligently seeking out your truth by exploring all avenues of knowledge and most importantly using the good common sense that is embedded in all of us to determine the truth that will stand the test of time.
As always I would be interested in your thoughts on this matter.