How to Use USB Debugging on an Android Phone
- 1). Download "Java for Developers" from the Downloads section of Double-click on the downloaded file to install the software on your computer.
- 2). Navigate to and download the Android SDK. Double-click on the downloaded file to install the software. When prompted, choose "Accept All" and download any available software updates for the SDK. Downloading and installing these files will take several minutes.
- 3). Press the "Home" icon button on the Android phone that you want to debug. Press the "List" icon button and then tap "Settings" on the screen. Press "Applications" and then "Development." Tap the box next to "USB Debugging" to enable it. A green checkmark will appear in the box when debugging is active.
- 4). Connect the Android phone to your computer using the USB data cable supplied with the phone. Open the folder in which you installed the Android SDK; it will typically be in "C:/Program Files/Android/android-sdk/" if you accepted the defaults during installation. Double-click on the "Tools" folder and then double-click on the "DDMS.BAT" file to launch the Dalvik Debug Monitor Server.