Health & Medical Adolescent Health

Dyslexia, How to Live and Succeed With This Gift

Introduction I remember my high school English teacher telling me, "I would never amount to anything!" I went from that experience and mindset to owning my own successful businesses; training others; and creating a foundation which will change the world.
This is part of my auto-biography which will hopefully inspire my readers to believe in themselves and know that they are here for a purpose.
Part of their life's work is to find that purpose.
What were you meant to be doing on this earth? How can you help change the world? Once you find your life's passion you will work no more! Three defining circumstances have made me the beautiful and powerful light source for this world today: I Am Dyslexic It was only later in my life that I realized I had dyslexia.
Even though I had a minor form of the disorder, it was why I could not do well in main stream English.
I could not read and write like other children, so my English teacher believed I could not learn.
That is a lot of " could not" in a young person's life.
When you are told so many times that you cannot do it, you start to believe it.
Fortunately today there is a lot of help for young children with this disorder.
I would like my life and successes to be a great example for parents of dyslexic children and for the children themselves.
I am available anytime to speak to families about this.
It is my desire to help other women to break out of their false belief system, which has been forced on them by society.
I Am a Victim of Bullying In addition, I was verbally bullied in middle school.
This has had a profound effect on my life.
Around age of 10, I became significantly over weight.
By today's definition, I would have been considered obese.
The bullying has stayed with me throughout my life.
I have struggled with my weight continually; and until recently I had not been able to maintain a healthy weight.
Now that I approach the next thirty years of my life, I am more committed to being healthy, so that I can help the world reconnect with nature and have healthier children as custodians of our planet.
I Have Miscarried The third circumstance which has really made me the woman I am today is I longed to have my own children.
By the time I met Don and we were married, I was thirty-two and he had two grown children from his first marriage.
He was not too keen on starting another family.
About three years after we were married I became pregnant.
I was so excited! Not long into the pregnancy there were signs that all was not well.
After visiting my doctor it was decided it would be best to abort the pregnancy.
I was devastated.
I had not told too many people I was pregnant; and I did not tell anyone I had lost the baby.
I kept it all bottled up inside of me.
This was not a good course of action.
It was much later that I realized this added to my thoughts of not being worthy and good enough.
I have had the opportunity to share this story many times.
Each time it gets easier, but the loss is still there.
I did not grieve for the loss of our child; and that would have helped.
I now have a much better belief system.
It helps that I do not have a lot of negative thoughts.
These three circumstances have made me the successful person I am today.
Now I have lofty goals and large dreams! The combination of these events have helped me grow personally and have allowed me to excel in several areas.
These include: travel, savoring life experiences, gaining mentors, and personal and professional development.
Last but not least, the love, help and support of a wonderful husband and partner in life.
Throughout my book are quotes that have significant meaning to me.
Some have been expressed by my mentors and others I have discovered though reading and found them to be incredibly insightful and moving.

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