Health & Medical Men's Health

How To Lose Man Boobs

Have you felt embarrassed to remove your shirt at the swimming pool?Do you hate that you have man boobs and cannot get rid of them?You are not alone.
With the obesity rate growing there are many reasons to be concerned about your weight and your man boobs.
Being over weight can lead to many horrible health problems, but there is a way.
Read on to discover how to lose man boobs for good.
The first thing you have to understand is that man boobs are caused by severe obesity.
You have to be overweight to have them, which means to get rid of them you need to lose weight.
This will require a better diet and plenty of exercise.
You need to start by committing yourself to a new plan and new habits for the next 8 weeks.
If you don't see some results after 8 weeks, then you can try something else, but that will not happen.
Here is your 8 week man boob destroyer plan.
Week 1 - 3 The first three weeks will be the hardest and you will feel hungry, but it will pass.
Get through these three weeks without cheating and you will be on your way to a new you.
Start with doing 2 hours of aerobic exercise a week and one full body workout of strength training for 45 minutes.
Your aerobic exercise can be split into 15 minute sessions, 30 minutes sessions, or whatever you feel comfortable with as long as you do a full 2 hours a week.
The full body workout needs to include weight training exercises for all your different muscles.
Do 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions with low weight.
Your diet needs to change drastically these three weeks.
Cut out all the fried and breaded foods right off the bat and only allow yourself one dessert a week.
You also need to avoid all soda or pop, even diet.
Stick with water, milk, green tea, and juices.
Use the dessert as a reward for completing a full week of working out.
Breakfast needs to be your largest meal and should contain the majority of the carbohydrates you consume in a day.
Lunch should be medium sized, a large sandwich or salad is good.
Dinner should be smaller with a 4-6 ounce portion of protein and a helping of vegetables.
You can allow yourself snacks throughout the day as long as they are healthy.
Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and natural yogurts are great snacks.
Week 4 - 6 These weeks are a little easier, but the diet cannot change.
It must stay the same and you should start to be adjusting to this diet.
You can allow yourself one fried item a week if you really feel the need to, but avoiding it will be better for you in the long run.
Your exercise is going to be similar except you are going to do 3 hours of aerobic exercise and 2 full body workouts of 30 minutes each.
Week 7 and 8 These are your final two weeks of the plan and will be the plan you should stick to for every week after these two.
Up your aerobic exercise to 5 hours a week and continue to do 2 full body workouts of 30 minutes each.
Stick to the same diet you have now, but start to add a little extra protein and green vegetables to help with recovery.
Make sure you are avoiding white breads, white pastas, and white sugars.
Anything refined or canned is not good for you and anything with high fructose corn syrup is a big NO.
stick with natural foods and you will be able to cut the weight faster than you could imagine.
You should be able to lose between 8-24 pounds over these 8 weeks and will be setting yourself up for great success.
This is how to lose man boobs for good.

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