Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

What Is a Floor Drain?

€Your shoes are the first thing people subconsciously notice about you; so we wear nice shoes. Similarly, your bathroom people subconsciously notice about your home! €
Bathrooms and the kitchen should be kept nice for our own health & hygiene. Keeping it dry is also a very vital part for cleanliness!! For that we need the complete proper drainage system; like a good floor drain..!
What is a floor drain?
How should we keep that clean for proper drainage????
Well... A small topic can also have great physics chemistry behind it:P
So let's go forward n know what a floor drain is all about:
A floor drain is a plumbing fixture that is installed in the floor of a structure, mainly designed to remove any standing water near it. They are usually round, but can also be square or rectangular. They usually range from 2 inches to 12 inches, most are 4 inches in diameter. They have gratings that are made of metal or plastic. The floor around the drain is also sloped to allow the water to flow to the drain. Most residential basements have 1 or more floor drains, usually near the water heater or washer/dryer. They can also be found in commercial basements, restrooms, kitchens, refrigerator areas, locker/shower rooms, laundry facilities and near swimming pools, among other places.
A floor drain should always have a strainer secured over it to prevent injury, entry of foreign objects, or introduction of unwanted pests into the facility. However, if the strainer is not smooth enough, hair and other objects can still get stuck in it, clogging the drain.

Importance of Floor Drain Cleaning
If you've ever been in the kitchen area of a restaurant, those in the biz like to call it the €back of house,€ that's what the people working there say!!
These drains prevent serious flooding from occurring, provide handy places to dispose of liquids, and make cleaning up a breeze.
Floor drains can become clogged which can lead to persistently wet floors that are not only unsanitary but also unsafe. It's hard to control what does and doesn't go down a floor drain.
e.g.: food stuffs, hairs, packets, solid things, etc...
Another problem comes with messy drains is foul odours.
e.g.: rotten food, urine odour, etc...

Even if a dirty drain isn't clogged or smelly, it can still be infested with microorganisms. Some are pathogenic & can cause humans to get sick.
Cleaning Options
There are two basic options for cleaning out a drain: use a brush combined with sanitizers and detergents, or use a foaming compound. When using the brush method it is important to clean in a circular motion and not an up-and-down motion which brings microorganisms up and out of the drain and hurl them onto nearby food preparation equipment or actual food.
Using a brush requires some time and effort, but it is the most common procedure. Using a foaming hydrogen-peroxide-based solution is the most effective way to clean.

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