Family & Relationships Conflict

My Ex Is Dating Someone Else

A question I hear all the time, what if my ex is dating someone else what should I do? Do you think they're over me? Most of the time my answer is no and in more cases than not the chances of getting back with your ex are very good. Keep reading to see how.

 Chances are if immediately after your break up your ex starts dating I would say they're probably rebounding with they're current relationship. A definition of a rebound is a relationship that only lasts a short time.

You are probably looking at a relationship that will only last about 3 to 4 months which is good for you and here is why I say that.

 In a rebound relationship odds are your ex is probably looking for that exceptional someone that can help them in getting over you and they feel that being in a relationship is just what the doctor ordered.

But after a few months of being together they start to realize the person they are dating is not that special someone they had hoped for. When that happens you ex will probably be searching for a way out of there rebound relationship and if you play it cool your ex will be back with you before you no it.

 When looking toget your ex back while they are dating someone else, the main thing to remember is be patient even if it's killing you inside. Do not get into any confrontation with there new partner or talk badly to your ex about there new relationship

Do not tell them that they are making a big mistake being with that person. By doing that you will be driving them closer together and farther away from you. Instead give them space, get involved in other activities such as joining a gym for some exercise and also start seeing your friends more often and try to get yourself back to a normal lifestyle.

 The time to make your move is when your ex's rebound relationship falls apart and it will fall apart. That is when you need to be there to give them support and to show them how much better you are than the person they were dating. By playing your cards right and staying cool the odds are definitely in your favor of your ex giving you another chance. Mainly because you didn't stick your nose in there relationship and when things fell apart you were there for them when they needed you and they realize how much better life would be with you than without you.

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