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What Do Thesis Hooks Do?


    • While Thesis Hooks aren't the same thing as the catchy first lines you write for a grade for a humanities department thesis paper in college, "Thesis" as a software program is used and promoted by some colleges, such as the University of Chicago. This university recognizes the need to incorporate electronic software programs into personal and professional writings that include blogs and websites. The university purchased "Thesis" for that purpose, and the "Hooks" this "Thesis" program offers are merely short cuts computer users choose to help them create, change or maintain their blog pages without knowing computer code.

    Hook Benefits

    • "Thesis Hooks" give you the ability to move parts of your web or blog page headers, footers and menu lists around the page into the area you want them, instead of where they are located at present on your blog or website. For example; you may not want the menu of choices for your web page to be at the top of the page. You may want the header of the page in that location, but you don't know how to write computer code to move it from its originally designed Wordpress position location on your blog. Using the "Thesis Hook" code writing provided to you by the Thesis program, copy and paste or type in that short "add" or "remove" code in the location where you want the menu list to be; it moves automatically.

    Other Hook Functions

    • Customizing your blog or website with Thesis Hooks is something you can do with this software program, but you can also add a widget to your sidebar (so readers can see popular posts made). You can add a features box to your site, make an archives template, and create a header using the default Thesis Hooks provided.


    • It can cost a lot of money to hire someone to create a blog or website for you. You are typically charged for changes you need to make later, and you may have to wait, if the programmer can not make the changes right away. Thesis Hooks eliminates the need to hire or to wait on someone, for needed blog or website page changes. It puts the control in your hands.

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