Health & Medical Men's Health

Do Penis Pills Really Work - The Truth About The Effectiveness Of Penis Supplements Finally Exposed

Do penis pills really work? Millions of men worldwide have actually tried penis pills by now.
Do they actually work or are they a scam? Keep reading to discover the truth about penis pills.
This is an exciting time for you.
Even though you are unhappy with your penis size you have decided to do something about it and that's going to be really great for you.
You'll have more self-confidence and self-esteem and become a better lover.
Your relationships will also improve.
So congratulations on making the decision.
So you want to know if penis pills really do actually work.
I'm actually going to surprise you by saying that they do.
You may be wondering though if penis supplements actually are effective why they have such a bad reputation in the marketplace.
This is probably because the industry is highly unregulated.
In years gone by anyone could throw together a simple website and create a supplement that was nothing more than a placebo or a sugar pill.
Crocodile penis pills were produced a few years ago and have since been banned.
Also the ingredient known as yohimbe has been banned in penis pills as it actually can cause serious kidney failure.
The good news is that the FDA has started cracking down on penis pill scams and it is actually a lot harder these days to be ripped off when making your purchase (I'll give you advice about that in a moment).
Penis supplements work through increasing the amount of blood that flows both to and through the penis and also the size of the penis blood vessels.
The best supplements contain special herbs such as ginkgo biloba and tribulus terrestris which are known to increase blood to the genital area.
Now as I say, it is actually possible to increase your penis size up to 4 inches with the right penis supplement.
However, there is a trick to it.
There is no way that you're going to get those results overnight.
You're not even going to get those results in a couple of weeks.
To get the kind of results that you are after, the permanent ones that last, and to get the really big gains you will need to be using penis pills for a period of at least six months.
Research has shown that that is when the greatest enhancement will occur and when the results will stay permanent.
Here is what you can expect in your first seven days of using penis pills.
You can actually see a visible increase of around 1 inch in width in your first week.
As you continue taking them your width will increase 2 to 3 inches and your length will then take over.
As time progresses over the six-month you can expect a 3 to 4 inch increase in length which will remain after you stop taking the supplements.
There are also some added benefits to taking supplements which you may not be aware of.
Surveys have shown that not only is penis size important to women but also is being able to last longer in bed, being able to have intercourse more than once a night, and not having any embarrassing premature ejaculation.
Supplements can take care of all that and help you become the best lover they have ever had.
In order to be sure that the penis pills you purchase today are not scams make sure that they are covered by a guarantee, that they have a good brand name and reputation, that there is proof, customer surveys, testimonials and case studies to show that they actually do what they promise, and the website contains as much information as possible.
Now that you have a thorough understanding that penis pills do actually work you have all that you need to make the right purchase today and be well on your way to a bigger penis and the best sex life you have ever had.

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