Lunesta Side Effects
Before you decide to buy Lunesta, make sure you have read over all pertinent information about how Lunesta works, and what side effects you might experience.
Let's go over Lunesta Side Effects If you notice any of the following side effects, stop taking Lunesta immediately and contact your local emergency room.
They include allergic reactions; symptoms of which include breathing problems; swelling of the lips, tongue, or face; closing of your throat; and hives.
Consult with your doctor as soon as possible if you experience any other, less serious side effects such as confusion; drowsiness, clumsiness, or dizziness during the day; aggressive behavior and violent mood swings; any unusual behavior; amnesia (memory loss); agitation; depression or hallucination.
A few other less serious side effects are those which you may have to deal with on a more common basis.
These common Lunesta side effects include headaches and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
If these side effects become annoying or persistent, please get in touch with your doctor to see what could be done about this.
Another thing you should know about sleeping pills in general is that a certain inconvenience could occur when stopping treatment after prolonged use of the medication.
This is known as "rebound insomnia," and it's a term for when someone has even more trouble sleeping after they've stopped treatment, than they did before they starting taking the sleeping pill.
Don't worry, though.
The problem usually stops by itself after the first or second night.
Althought Lunesta is not a narcotic or an opiate like many prescription medications, it may still be habit-forming.
This means that you could become addicted to it, as your body becomes dependent on the medication to feel good.
Talk to your doctor before you stop taking Lunesta suddenly, as you could experience withdrawal symptoms after taking Lunesta for several weeks or longer.
A simple chat with yor doctor will give you all the information you need about taking this sleep aid safely.
As with all medications, side effects other than those listed in this article may occur.
If you notice any other unusual symptoms that are especially bothersome, please alert your doctor as soon as possible.
Let's go over Lunesta Side Effects If you notice any of the following side effects, stop taking Lunesta immediately and contact your local emergency room.
They include allergic reactions; symptoms of which include breathing problems; swelling of the lips, tongue, or face; closing of your throat; and hives.
Consult with your doctor as soon as possible if you experience any other, less serious side effects such as confusion; drowsiness, clumsiness, or dizziness during the day; aggressive behavior and violent mood swings; any unusual behavior; amnesia (memory loss); agitation; depression or hallucination.
A few other less serious side effects are those which you may have to deal with on a more common basis.
These common Lunesta side effects include headaches and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
If these side effects become annoying or persistent, please get in touch with your doctor to see what could be done about this.
Another thing you should know about sleeping pills in general is that a certain inconvenience could occur when stopping treatment after prolonged use of the medication.
This is known as "rebound insomnia," and it's a term for when someone has even more trouble sleeping after they've stopped treatment, than they did before they starting taking the sleeping pill.
Don't worry, though.
The problem usually stops by itself after the first or second night.
Althought Lunesta is not a narcotic or an opiate like many prescription medications, it may still be habit-forming.
This means that you could become addicted to it, as your body becomes dependent on the medication to feel good.
Talk to your doctor before you stop taking Lunesta suddenly, as you could experience withdrawal symptoms after taking Lunesta for several weeks or longer.
A simple chat with yor doctor will give you all the information you need about taking this sleep aid safely.
As with all medications, side effects other than those listed in this article may occur.
If you notice any other unusual symptoms that are especially bothersome, please alert your doctor as soon as possible.