Warning : Only 9 f Wedding Photographers Are Professionals
Wedding photography is a crucially important job which needs precision, accuracy and yet a sensitive human touch with a perfect understanding of emotions and feelings. It is not easy capturing the most memorable moments of the life of two people on lens and that is why you need to have the best in this art on your side.
Most couples who read this article will by now be very familiar with the vast number of "Wedding Photographers" out there on the web.
Let me give you some horrifying statistics: There are over 27,000 listed wedding photographers on the web for the UK alone. There are two main "Professional Bodies" in the UK which regulate the quality and professionalism of the wedding photographers, The MPA (Master Photographers Association) and the BIPP (British Institute of Professional Photographers). One key requirement of membership of either body is that you are a "Full time professional photographer".
Now here's where the rubber hits the road; less than 2,000 of those so called wedding photographers are listed either professional body, that means less that 9% of all so called wedding photographers are "Full time professional". 91% are part-time, unqualified photographers and worse still totally unaccountable.
That's why when you choose a wedding photographer you need to choose from top professionals who have the experience, talent, and reputation to deliver outstanding wedding photography to their clients. Among them, are a small number of award winning wedding photographers who are very talented, these photographers also work in the area of lifestyle portraits too. These photographers use wedding albums and prints of the highest order to showcase their work.
Wedding photography generally involves a lot of traveling, however professional photographers have no qualms about it, in fact we love going to and discovering new places. Often our approach to wedding photography is ever so simple: we actually select the weddings we want to do, then very carefully we give them a candid, sensitive yet elegant style.
We do not cut corners on technique or material for your wedding commissions - we will either do it right or not at all. Living and working in cosmopolitan cities like Birmingham, Cardiff, Oxford and Bristol we welcome the exciting challenges of multicultural weddings. In fact the more unusual the venue and creative the event, the better it is for us.
There is a common strand that binds photographers together which is a mixture of traditional, fine-art and photo-direction which produce very chic and creative wedding photographs. True professional wedding photographers offer great deals to all their customers and clients. All photography deals include an engagement session, signature mount and album.
Most couples who read this article will by now be very familiar with the vast number of "Wedding Photographers" out there on the web.
Let me give you some horrifying statistics: There are over 27,000 listed wedding photographers on the web for the UK alone. There are two main "Professional Bodies" in the UK which regulate the quality and professionalism of the wedding photographers, The MPA (Master Photographers Association) and the BIPP (British Institute of Professional Photographers). One key requirement of membership of either body is that you are a "Full time professional photographer".
Now here's where the rubber hits the road; less than 2,000 of those so called wedding photographers are listed either professional body, that means less that 9% of all so called wedding photographers are "Full time professional". 91% are part-time, unqualified photographers and worse still totally unaccountable.
That's why when you choose a wedding photographer you need to choose from top professionals who have the experience, talent, and reputation to deliver outstanding wedding photography to their clients. Among them, are a small number of award winning wedding photographers who are very talented, these photographers also work in the area of lifestyle portraits too. These photographers use wedding albums and prints of the highest order to showcase their work.
Wedding photography generally involves a lot of traveling, however professional photographers have no qualms about it, in fact we love going to and discovering new places. Often our approach to wedding photography is ever so simple: we actually select the weddings we want to do, then very carefully we give them a candid, sensitive yet elegant style.
We do not cut corners on technique or material for your wedding commissions - we will either do it right or not at all. Living and working in cosmopolitan cities like Birmingham, Cardiff, Oxford and Bristol we welcome the exciting challenges of multicultural weddings. In fact the more unusual the venue and creative the event, the better it is for us.
There is a common strand that binds photographers together which is a mixture of traditional, fine-art and photo-direction which produce very chic and creative wedding photographs. True professional wedding photographers offer great deals to all their customers and clients. All photography deals include an engagement session, signature mount and album.