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How to Install an Electric Rope Fence

    • 1). Remove stones and other obstacles to clear the perimeter of your fence line. Mow down existing vegetation along the fence line to 2 inches.

    • 2). Drive steel T-posts into the ground at the corner post locations using a hand-held post driver. Sink them to a depth of 10 to 12 inches. Install one clip-on plastic insulator on each post, locating them 6 to 7 inches from the ground. Wrap the clasp around the circumference of the steel post and pull it until the insulator clicks into place.

    • 3). Run a strand of poly rope along the fence line, feeding it through the set of insulators on the corner posts. Cut the poly rope, pull it taut to keep it from sagging between the posts and tie it off on itself with a double knot.

    • 4). Hammer metal rebar posts along the outside edge of the poly rope to serve as line posts. Position the rebar posts approximately 10 to 12 feet apart and pound them 8 inches into the ground.

    • 5). Place a single slide-on plastic insulator approximately 6 inches from the ground on each line post. Slip the poly rope through the plastic clasps on the front of the slide-on insulators.

    • 6). Install additional insulators on each corner post and line post for each additional electric rope that you wish to put on your fence. Position the insulators for each additional electric rope approximately 6 to 8 inches above the previous rope. Feed a strand of electric poly rope through each new set of insulators.

    • 7). Cut a strip of insulated cable that is long enough to reach between the two bottom strands of poly rope. Peel back the last two inches of insulation from both ends and attach the exposed cable to the two bottom strands of poly rope. Repeat this process to connect each poly rope fence strand to the one directly above it.

    • 8). Remove the last 3 inches of insulation from both ends of another strip of insulated cable. Wrap one end of the cable around the bottom strand of poly rope in your fence and wrap the other end of the cable around the fence terminal on your fence energizer.

    • 9). Hammer three 6-foot-long galvanized steel grounding rods into the ground 10 feet from each other. Locate the closest grounding rod approximately 10 feet from the fence energizer. Attach the grounding rods together with strips of insulated cable and copper grounding clamps. Make sure the clamps bite solidly into the cable and the grounding rods.

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      Measure out a strip of insulated cable that is long enough to reach between the fence energizer and the closest grounding rod. Wrap one end of the cable around the ground terminal on the fence energizer. Use a copper grounding clamp to attach the other end of the cable to the closest grounding rod.

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