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Becoming an Army Officer


    • Participating in the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) leads to a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the either the Active Army, the Reserve or the National Guard. ROTC programs are offered at many of the top colleges and universities. High school students who participate in ROTC programs are eligible for college scholarships. Those in college should start an Army ROTC basic course in their freshman year. If you decide to start later and do not have enough time left to complete the whole course, you can take a special course over the summer. Those enrolled in junior colleges or in graduate programs can also participate in ROTC. You will need to take a 28-day course at Ft. Knox, Kentucky, and then you will be able take an advanced course back at your college which will let you complete ROTC training in just 2 years. Enlisted personnel can apply for ROTC college scholarships as well. Soldiers already serving in the U.S. Army Reserve or Army National Guard can apply for the Simultaneous Membership Program, which trains them to be officers in the reserve or the guard. You will have a commitment to serve 3 years in the regular army or 4 years in the reserve or guard (see Resources below).

    West Point

    • American citizens between the ages of 17 and 23 can apply to West Point as long as they are not married and do not have any dependents. Graduates must serve a minimum of 5 years of active duty followed by 3 years in the reserve. You musts meet certain criteria in academic performance, leadership potential and physical aptitude. You must have an above average academic record and high scores in either the Assessment Program Test or the SAT tests. The application process should start in the junior year of high school, and in addition to a regular application, the candidate must be nominated by his Congrerssperson or Senator. A graduate of West Point receives a commission as a Second Lieutenant. West Point cadets do receive a salary while they are students (see Resources below).

    Officer Candidate School

    • Graduates of Office Candidate School server in either the regular Army or the Army Reserve. Applicants for Officer Candidate School go through the same 9-week basic training course as enlisted personnel. After this, they attend Officer Candidate School, which is located at Fort Benning, Georgia. Officer Candidate School is open to new enlistees as well as those already serving in the Army. A graduate of Officer Training School who is in the regular Army must commit to 3 years of active service, and those in the Army Reserves to 6 years. Candidates must be college graduates and American citizens. Graduates are commissioned as Second Lieutenants and after graduation go on to further studies in their chosen specialty (see Resources below).

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