Health & Medical Yoga

Traditional Indian Systems of Ayurveda & Yoga

India has a long history of medical remedies practiced by holy men and local medicine men since ancient times.
Some of these remedies date back to the Vedas or 600 BC.
Among these medical wonders the two most prominent are Ayurveda and Yoga.
Ayurveda Literally meaning the science of life, Ayurveda has evolved from understanding the laws of nature, the psyche, the conscious and the unconscious levels.
Ayurveda places equal emphasis on the mind and body, it aims to integrate and balance the body, mind, and spirit.
This balance is believed to lead to contentment and health, and to help prevent illness.
The chief aim of Ayurvedic practices is to cleanse the body of substances that can cause disease, helping reestablish harmony and balance.
Constitution or Prakriti Ayurveda has some basic beliefs about the body's constitution.
Constitution refers to a person's general health.
The constitution is called the prakriti which is a unique combination of physical and psychological characteristics and the way the body functions.
It is influenced by such factors as digestion and how the body deals with waste products.
Three qualities called doshas form important characteristics of the constitution or prakriti and control the activities of the body.
The doshas are called: vata, pitta, and kapha.
Each dosha is made up of one or two of the five basic elements: space, air, fire, water, and earth.
Ayurveda believes that an imbalance in the dosha produces symptoms and disease.
Imbalances may be a result of an unhealthy lifestyle or diet; too much or too little mental and physical exertion; or not being properly protected from the weather, chemicals, or germs.
Ayurvedic treatments Ayurvedic treatments are of many types Panchakarma is for cleansing; it focuses on the digestive tract and the respiratory system.
Cleansing may be done through enemas, fasting, or special diets or medicated oils through a nasal spray or inhaler.
Meditation is a conscious mental process using certain techniques like focusing attention or maintaining a specific posture to relax the body and mind, and lying in the sun.
The patient may be advised to seek nurturing and peacefulness through yoga, meditation, exercise, or other techniques.
Herbal Medicines patients may have to take herbs to improve digestion, reduce fever, and treat diarrhea.
Very small amounts of metal and mineral preparations also may be given, such as gold or iron.
Special Diets are an important part of treatment and patients may be asked to abstain or increase particular foods.
Massages may be used to reduce pain, lessen fatigue, or improve circulation.
Ayurveda proposes that there are 107 "vital points" in the body where life energy is stored, and that these points may be massaged to improve health.

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