Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Low Vs. High Electronic Dog Collars


    • When electronic dog collars first came onto the market, there was only one level of electronic stimulation given off by the collar. Years later, the second generation of electronic dog collars offered handlers three levels of electric stimulation to train their canines (low, medium and high), which enabled the handler to adjust the level of electric shock to the level of unwanted behavior present in their dog.

    Electronic Stimulation Levels

    • Modern dog trainers have discovered that not all bad or unwanted behavior deserves or requires the same level of electric current in order to eliminate those behaviors. Therefore, modern technology has afforded canine handlers and nonprofessional dog trainers with training collars that offer a range of electric currents that vary from low to high and is adjustable by the handler with the hand held remote control.


    • Low-stimulation electronic dog collars give off a small or low-grade electronic stimulation. Low-voltage dog collars are used with small dogs because of their weight, with larger dogs when beginning training, to correct simple mistakes or to provide a warning jolt. Current studies show that a low voltage stimulation level for electronic dog collars is between 0.000005 and 0.000034 joules.


    • High-stimulation electronic dog collars give off a higher amount of electricity than the levels used for less aggressive behavior. High levels of electronic stimulation are used on larger dogs, dogs with severe nuances or dogs with aggressive behavior. Additionally, higher levels of voltage are used with dogs that are nonresponsive to beginning/lower levels of voltage during training sessions. The level considered to be high-level for electronic dog collars is between 0.000035 and 0.0003 joules.


    • The level of electricity of low-voltage electronic dog collars as compared with those of a higher voltage can be further understood by offering a comparison to the shock given off by carpet static electricity that humans experience regularly. Studies reveal that the static shock given off by carpet static in 20 percent relative humidity is nine times stronger than the shock given off by a low-level electric dog collar.

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