Health & Medical Food & Drink

The Best Way to Store Peeled Hard-Boiled Eggs

    Storing Eggs in a Bowl

    • 1). Place the peeled hard-boiled eggs in a bowl, and cover them with fresh, cool water. Cover the bowl tightly with plastic wrap.

    • 2). Store the eggs in a refrigerator set between 35 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit for one week

    • 3). Change the water in the bowl daily.

    Storing Eggs in a Plastic Container

    • 1). Set the peeled eggs in a plastic storage container featuring an airtight lid.

    • 2). Soak a paper towel with cool water, and wring it out so it's damp. Cover the eggs with the paper towel to help them retain moisture. Press the lid onto the storage container securely.

    • 3). Store the eggs in a refrigerator set between 35 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit for one week.

    • 4). Replace the paper towel with a new damp towel daily.

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