Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

All The Pros and Cons Of Online Dating

It can be very daunting for people that are single, lonely, and wanting to get back into the dating scene.
Dating can use up so much time, effort and money, and can yield poor or no results.
This is why more and more people are trying online dating.
However, there is some controversy as to whether this is a valid method of meeting women.
So, what are the pros cons of online dating? Pros of online dating...
It's a huge time saver.
The fact is that you can approach many thousands of women online, compared to a handful of women that you would be restricted to meeting at a bar or club.
The cost of online dating is minimal or in some cases, virtually free.
If you frequent all the bars and clubs in an attempt to meet women, you will end up spending a small fortune on drinks.
Compare this to meeting women online, where you can have several email contacts with them, really get to know them and decide if they are the right woman for you.
Online dating is very targeted.
By going through all the different profiles, you can zoom in on the most appealing women to you that match your criteria for looks, age and personality.
you can be sure that they are SINGLE and looking for a partner.
At bars and clubs, a lot of women WON'T be single, and they probably won't match the traits that suit you best.
This becomes wasted time, effort and money...
not good.
If you are fairly quiet and shy, it is much easier to "approach" women online then it is to approach them in a bar or on the street.
You can really get to know women and build trust and rapport over several email exchanges before you go out and meet them in person.
Cons of online dating...
Your family, friends and peers may think that there is something wrong with you for trying online dating.
The best thing that you can do here is to not tell your friends or family what you are doing.
They will only try to bring you down which will then make you doubt yourself.
A lot of guys that try online dating will give up within 3 months (something like 97%) due to lack of results.
The reason being is that they are doing it all wrong and failing big time.
Your profile needs to be really good to attract attention; otherwise you become just another fish in the sea.
So how do we fix that? Answer: EDUCATION.
Now that you have seen all the pros cons of online dating, it's clear to see that it can be a very effective way to meet more women.
It just comes down to educating yourself, taking action, practicing and persevering.
Before too long, you will be experiencing massive success.

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