Insurance Auto Insurance & Registration

Temp Cover Under 21

Car insurance can be a problem for many people.
If you happen to be a young driver and in particular a young male driver then you will be well aware of the issues involved when insuring your car.
So what can be done if you are a young driver looking to get insured? Getting your car insured used to be pretty straight forward and you could expect to pay a reasonable rate depending on your own particular circumstances.
These days it has become much more expensive and much more complicated.
Now you would have thought with all the comparison sites out there getting a policy would be easy.
Well it is except there are now so many clauses and additions that it is hard to know exactly what you are comparing.
You may get a cheap quote and not even realise it does not provide the type of cover that you need.
There is also a big problem with costs.
The cost of a policy is increasing and it is increasing exponentially so for younger drivers.
Did you know that a typical quote for a new young driver for a bog standard car is around three thousand pounds.
Yes, you read that right a whopping three grand to get your car insured.
And remember this is not a quote for a souped up modified car but a typical small car most young drivers use.
The problem is that most young drivers just cannot afford those sorts of premiums.
The increased cost is believed to be attributed to a number of different reasons including the large number of uninsured drivers on the road.
This is thought to be as many as 1 in 10 drivers.
The number of fraudulent policies and increased number of claims is also contributing.
Many young drivers and drivers that have just passed their test are giving up on the idea of driving full time.
Instead they are opting to drive when they need to rather than just for fun.
This means that you would need a temporary car insurance policy to cover you when you do drive.
You can get cover to drive a car that you have borrowed or to drive your own car.
You can get a policy for as little as a day or for up to 8 months.
The two types of policy generally cover driving for between 1 and 28 days or for between 1 and 8 months.
There are however issues with getting temp cover when the driver wanting to be insured is under 21.
Many insurance companies are refusing to provide cover to drivers under the age of 21.
This is mainly due to the fact that they can no longer get these types of policy underwritten.

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